Book Review: The Dawn of Yangchen by F.C. Yee / by A.M. Molloy

The Dawn of Yangchen


The Dawn of Yangchen 〰️

I have mixed feelings about this book. I'm super excited to read another Avatar's history and see a badass female protagonist. But at the same time, I felt like we spent more time with Kavik and his whole backstory than with Yangchen. Don't get me wrong, Kavik is a great character, but seeing as this book is called the Dawn of Yangchen, not Kavik, I just expected to see more of her. Hopefully, we will see more of her in book 2.

Did I enjoy this book? Absolutely. But was it a top read like Kyoshi's stories were? Sadly, not even close. I do appreciate more worldbuilding on a world we already know a lot about. (If you've seen the shows and read the comics and such, that is).

The plot was alright, but it felt lacking ins something that I can't quite put my finger on. The characters were well developed, even Yangchen, which we don't see much as Kavik. I do wish that Kcompanionship than together, in my opinion. Maybe things will change. We'll have to wait for the next book to come out.

Is this still a worthy addition to the Avatar universe? Absolutely. It wasn't the best Avatar book I've read, but it was still worth reading. If you are a fan of the Avatar world, you should still enjoy this book and early await for the second to come out, just like me.