Holly Jackson

Book Review: As Good As Dead by Holly Jackson by A.M. Molloy

As Good As Dead


As Good As Dead 〰️

What a thrilling end to this fantastic trilogy. I was slightly on the fence about book two, but this third one, there is no doubt. This one had me on the edge of my seat the entire time.

I love how Pip's PTSD is handled. I love how we watch her slowly fall apart as she gets involved with a new case. I was floored when she was abducted, and if it wasn't for the fact that there was half a book left, I was sure she was done for. Her abduction to escape had me gripping the book so tight it left an impression. Then when Pip does the unthinkable, wow. We all wanted it to happen, but could we do the same? And cover it up so perfectly as she had done? I've always wondered if people who research a lot into true crime could actually get away with murder. Well, theoretically, at least in this book, they can.

I'm not usually into mystery/thriller books. But this series was so well written, so well thought out, that I couldn't put it down. Jackson truly knows her craft, and she delivers it with a punch to the gut. (Also, that ending!)

If you are looking for a new read, may I suggest this Good Girl series? (Though your definition of "good" may be warped in the end). Jackson is sure to be an author to look out for. I'll be keeping an eye on her future publications.

May Pip and Ravi find a wonderful life together.

Book Review: Good Girl, Bad Blood by Holly Jackson by A.M. Molloy

Good Girl, Bad Blood


Good Girl, Bad Blood 〰️

Actual rating 4.5 stars.

I'm not sure how I feel about this book. I for sure enjoyed reading it. But it almost felt like it was written because the first one was successful. Was it a story that needed to be continued? I'm unsure. But I will say I did love it. I also love that we got an explanation for the title of the first book in the form of the podcast. It felt odd having it be explained in book 2, but it was a friendly call back to the first book.

Good Girl, Bad Blood cover

I won't lie. The book was a little slow for me at the start. But when it picked up, it picked up hard. For me, anyway. I love the detail of every mystery and how Pip (and co.) solve the crimes that the police don't.

I will say, however, that Pip is highly knowledgeable about how the justice system and police work are done, which is fine. People have their hobbies, and she must have done a lot of research, most of which we saw in the first book. But it feels as though Pip should be more than just an eighteen-year-old girl solving crimes far beyond her years.

Is this book a worthy sequel? I think it is. I'm curious to see how the third book will play out. Something tells me it will be a continuation of the "Child Brunswick" storyline. The first book works as a standalone, and while this one has a fresh story, albiet similar to the first novel, it can also stand alone. But the ending also leaves a bit of ambiguity to continue. (Which is confirmed as it's a trilogy). I'm interested to see how it all plays out.

I don't think it's as strong as the first book until midway through the story, but this is still a worthy read.

Book Review: A Good Girl's Guide To Murder by Holly Jackson by A.M. Molloy

A Good Girl's Guide to Murder


A Good Girl's Guide to Murder 〰️

I'm not usually one for mystery case-solving type books, but I bought this anyway because of the catchy title. I am happy to say that it exceeded any expectations I had of it, and it was actually a hella dope read.

I love how the story is technically told in the third and first person (when Pip writes up her project logs). It doesn't feel like a tonal shift between Pip's log entries and the actual story. It flows very well together, and each part complements each other.

Jackson had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. Her writing style is captivating. I'm impressed with the amount of world-building that was done to make this story so believable. I didn't know who to suspect in the murder, and when it was revealed who was the real killer(s), I was shocked. But I was also not surprised as the foundation was properly laid out. I usually find mystery books hard to follow for some reason, but Jackson made it easy to read while not compromising the plot.

I am pleased to know that there are two more books in this series and happy that I bought the box set. Though I must admit, everything tied up so nicely in this book that I have no idea what to expect next. I tend not to read the synopsis of the next book in a series to keep the suspense, so I can't wait to dive into that.

If you like mystery, case solving that is good old investigative reporter style and not a cop, with a little bit of romance and murder, this is the book for you.