Only mostly Devastaed

Book review: Only Mostly Devastated by Sophie Gonzales by A.M. Molloy

Only Mostly Devastated


Only Mostly Devastated 〰️

I didn't expect to feel all the feels when finishing ONLY MOSTLY DEVASTATED today, but here we are.

Only Mostly Devastated Cover

This book played with my emotions the whole way through. It made me feel and think about things I never thought about before, and I appreciate that. In a way, I learned some valuable life lessons, just like Ollie, after finishing this book.

Also, is it somehow possible to get Ollie to narrate my life? He was a blast to read as a character. Gonzales really created a likeable and relatable character to read. She brought him to life. In fact, all of the characters were great, and they all went through some character growth spurts, and I love that for all of them.

I think that any queer youth, whether out and proud or not ready to be out, could benefit from reading this book. (Well, even straight people as well, but yeah). Not to mention the lesson on life and death and how it was all handled was perfection.

The pacing for everything was perfect, and all of the characters were loveable. (Though some may seem awful at first, you learn to love them once you know them). I loved this book from start to finish. 10/10. I highly recommend it.