
Book Review: The R*pe of Nanking by Iris Chang by A.M. Molloy

The R*pe of Nanking


The R*pe of Nanking 〰️

Wow. This book contains some heavy yet powerful reading. And as heavy as a reading it is, I think it is a necessary read. I had no idea of the atrocities committed in WW2 by the Japanese.

They say those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it. That's why this book is so important. Without learning from the past, we cannot let this part of history fade away. The Germans have made it their mission to teach everyone about. the Holocaust, yet Japan wants their dirty secrets wiped off the face of the earth. I don't blame them. The Japan of the past is different from the Japan of today. But that doesn't mean we should forget what happened. I get they are ashamed of what they did, but the world needs to know what happened.

And thankfully, Chang wrote this book to help ensure this dark time in human history doesn't fade away. I can't imagine what went through Chang's mind when collecting all the research to make this book happen. It saddens me to hear of her passing, and I wonder if studying all this horrible history was a small part of her death. But she should be proud of the work she accomplished in making sure the people who died, as well as the survivors, live on. This is a story that needs to be told, even if it's a hard one to hear.

I personally think they should make (or edit it) to be part of a history textbook. It's well-written and researched. If you are in the right headspace and want to learn more about this forgotten Holocaust, I highly recommend this book.