The moonlight bathes the road to redemption.
Sweet howls of the night; the melody sings.
Crazed yet sane, blood shall be shed.
War rages on in the world.
Kill the horror that lies in the soul,
Unable to run free from sins committed.
Cry out, cry out; silence fills the land.
Poisoned veins will stand alone again.
Behold thine beauty of sweet summers night.
Hail to the captive; sweet innocence arises.
Wanting with ought knowing; unable to achieve.
Darkness fall's over the land once again.
Be swift for death for death shall chase: killer of the night.
Arise the sun to darkness still.
Wanting grows stronger separated against will.
Death to many, death to all, once again.
Races of the world reunite; self inflicted damage.
Captured once more; break free from hell.
Twice dawn comes, blood still floods the land.
Clash of blades; 6 hits, 1 death.
Adorned blackness; victory arises.
Fighter of love, fighter of peace,
stroking blow through heart & soul.
Death has been defeated.
Rest well sweet child, fear not no more.
Peaceful night now fills thy heart.
Young love will last forever;
sweet dream, eyes of sorrow have lifted.