Caroline Kepnes

Book Review: You Love Me by Caroline Kepnes by A.M. Molloy

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Kepnes has done it again. Somehow she made Joe even more likable if that's the right word. Somehow she made it so that we wanted Joe to have that happy ending, that he really was "a good guy", because in this book he kinda is, for the most part.

Sure he did some stalking, as in previous books, but nowhere near to the level he was at before. He kept his promise to himself that he would win MK over the old fashion. (Well, again, for the most part). But while there were deaths, surprisingly none were from Joe himself! He's racked up quite the body count over the last two books but he actually didn't harm or kill anyone. (Even though he did mean to kill Phil, but he didn't follow through so, good guy? haha. How Kepnes makes me rout for Joe makes me question my morality).

You Love Me Cover

I like how this book "returned to form", so to speak. In the first book, he would narrate using the pronoun "you" all the time for Beck, but in the second book when he met Love, it was written (still in Joe's voice so props for that), like any other first-person POV. "Love did this." "Love said that." As opposed to something like "You looked at me like this." or "You did this thing." I liked that it was focused on "You" again. The series is called, "You" after all.

I didn't like how some events were glossed over so fast. Mostly stuff at the beginning and the end.

The last book ended with Joe madly in love with Love and him being in jail and this book starts out with him in a completely different city, out of jail, and in love with a new character. Sure we get some explanation but not gonna lie, when I started this book I thought I missed a book in between. (We do learn more about what happened later but I was just so shocked at the contrast of the last book ending compared to the start of the third one). Also, Kepnes brings to light some heavy stuff in regards to Nomi right in the last few chapters and it happens so fast and suddenly it's the epilogue. SOmehow Kepnes did end the series nicely (assuming it's a trilogy), but I would have liked to see it extended just a bit more.

All in all, great series. The narration was unique and truly welcomed. Loved this book (and the other two), from start to finish.

For anyone looking for a good read, I recommend this series.

Now to see if the Netflix version lives up to the books haha.

You Love Me Cover 2

You Love Me

by Caroline Kepnes

Book Review: Hidden Bodies by Caroline Kepnes by A.M. Molloy

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Unclear how Kepnes does it, but like her first novel, YOU, she's done it again. She makes you empathize with Joe. Somehow she makes you see things from his perspective (besides the obvious first-person POV). By this I mean somehow we see Joe's horrible actions as justified and we feel for him as a character. We somehow don't want him to be caught for or all his murders, we want him to be with the girl of his dreams and we want the best for him. How Kepnes makes me like a serial killer/stalker is beyond me.

Hidden Bodies cover

Again, like the previous book, this one was very well written, giving our MC Joe plenty of personality. It was, however, written (in my opinion), slightly different than the first. He wasn't "talking" to anyone this time. (Like saying "YOU did this thing and YOU did this other thing"). It was just Joe narrating his life. I expected this book to follow the writing style of the first one, with a new "you", being other Amy or Love. But it didn't. I'm not mad. It works. It still sounds just like Joe would sound.

I'm happy to know that there is a third book, because the way this one ended, though perfect for Joe's behavior, does leave me wanting to read more. Although I can't possibly imagine how Joe is getting out of trouble this time, or even how the third book will end. My guess is another jail for good or death haha. But I won't know until I read it.

All in all, this series so far is hella enjoyable and to anyone who likes a good thriller out there, I highly. recommend this series.

Now. onto the third book!

Book Review

Book Review: You by Caroline Kepnes by A.M. Molloy

You Netflix
A.M. Molloy Goodreads

Wow, where do I begin with this one?

First off, hats off to Kepnes for writing an engaging main character. Kepnes really dives into the mind of a serial stalker/killer. It's almost scary how much she makes Joe seem rational in all his decisions. I mean, Joe straight out murders anyone who gets in his way--and has even done it before!), yet somehow the way it's all written it seems... justified. I don't like how that made me feel as a person but I love how it made me feel as a reader. It was interesting to see the world the way a serial stalker/killer like Joe does.

You by Caroline Kepnes

Second, I want to praise Kepnes for her writing style. It was such a unique way of writing. Yes, plenty of people write in the first person, but this was handled much differently. The style of how Joe speaks, always referring to his love interest (obsession) as "you" was a bold choice. Not many authors I know can pull off using the same word repeatedly so much that it doesn't come off as annoying and overused.

Third, Kepnes has you on the edge of your seat the entire book as you wait to see if Joe will be caught during his many, many, illegal activities. The way this book played out, however, makes me think he's the luckiest bastard in the world to have gotten away with so much.

I will say, however, some of the language Joe uses, (cunt, pussy, dick, f***, ext) was a little jarring. However, it fits Joe's character perfectly. It may have felt a bit vulgar, but I believe that was Kepne's intention, and it worked.

Solid read. Now to read the sequels!

Caroline Kepnes

Caroline Kepnes

Author of You (and many others!)

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You - Netflix

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