
Book Review: Legion by William Peter Blatty by A.M. Molloy



Legion 〰️

I wanted to like this book. I really did. I enjoyed the first book, but this one fell flat. At least the dilouge and writing I hated in the first book had improved, so there's that.

I didn't see this book as part of the horror genre, and I barely saw anything demonic besides the killings. And this one is probably a me thing, but I found myself drifting thoughts and thus, I found the book super confusing. I didn't know what was happening most of the time. However, that's probably because I found it pretty dull and had to re-read different passages many times just to figure out what was going on.

I found the pacing to be pretty slow, and it only started being somewhat interesting in part two of the book, a little over halfway done. I felt parts one, and two were completely different novels, with part one being a whodunit and part two sort of demonic possession stuff, but not done nearly as well as The Excorcist.

Also, I wouldn't say I liked Kinderman in The Exorcist. I found him to be highly annoying. But I hated him even more because he was the main MC in this book. At least his speech was slightly different (both making him the same character from book one yet also somewhat different in this book). I felt like this book was written as a cash grab because of how popular the Excorsit was, as there are barely any returning characters from the first book, and we don't even hear about Chris or Regan in this one.

That being said, I'm sure this book appeals to some people. Maybe they may even find it terrifying. Sadly I don't think this book hit the mark.

Book Review: The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty by A.M. Molloy

The Exorcist


The Exorcist 〰️

This book claims to be the most terrifying novel ever written. (At least the edition I was reading has it so on the cover). It perhaps was back when it was first published. Not to say it wasn't bad. It just wasn't as "scary" as I was hoping. Not even remotely. Still a good read.

This book messes with the mind in a way I didn't expect. We know Regan is passed, most likely by the demon Pazuzu. But the way the book is written, we can almost begin to question whether she is indeed possessed or has some mental disorder. (I'm impressed with all the medical knowledge that Blatty seems to possess. He did his research for writing this book. And not just with medical knowledge but with Catholicism and Satanism as well).

Now fear can be subjective, so while I didn't feel any sense of horror in this book, it doesn't mean it isn't terrifying in its own right. I'm sure even people to this day may find it frightening. However, I will say that for its lack of horror elements, Blatty certainly knew how to make me uncomfortable. When Regan begins to masturbate with a cross (among other things), I felt highly uncomfortable, and those scenes didn't sit well for me. It worked to show she was passed by a demon, but yeah. Felt borderline child p**n, and I did not like that. I haven't seen the movie, but I'm sure they cut that out. At least, I hope they did, and if so, thank God.

I will note that I hated the dialogue. Every character sounded the same or very close to each other. The prose was wonderfully written, and it's in the prose where I got a sense of how each character is and acts. But when they opened their mouths to speak, not going to lie; I was not too fond of most of it. It did get more bearable near the end, but I wouldn't say I liked the dialogue in this book.

That being said, this is still a classic story that has earned its right to be called one of the best.

Book Review: The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix by A.M. Molloy

The Final Girl Support Group


The Final Girl Support Group 〰️

I have been waiting a long time to read this book. I bought it last year in October and was waiting until this October to read it as it's now "spooky month." I had great expectations for this book based on the title alone and was super pumped to read it. Did it meet said expectations? Was it worth the wait? Mostly.

I loved the premise of this book, and I loved that I recognized all the movies that each final girl was based on. I thought this book had an excellent story, having all the final girls going to a support group and then they picked off one by one.

Sadly, while the first few chapters were interesting, I did find it to drag a bit in the middle, and the MC was going from destination to destination of shoddy guesswork at best. But don't get me wrong. I still enjoyed it. And it did pick up in the later half of the book to deliver the slasher stuff we were expecting. I didn't like how the MC kept guessing who the killer was, then proven wrong, then immediately suspecting someone else. Sure she is right in the end, and she figures out the true motives behind the killings. But for a while, it felt like she was bouncing around while things happened to her.

But besides that middle bit, I still thoroughly enjoyed my read. And I loved the showdown at the end. I felt like I was inside the mind of someone who had survived unspeakable horrors. It was nice to read the aftermath of a slasher movie (or book, in this case) many years later from the survivors.

If the middle of this book were a tad different, I would have rated it higher. But still, I recommend this to anyone who loves a good slasher movie and wants to hear more of the final girl's story.

Book Review: White Smoke by Tiffany D. Jackson by A.M. Molloy

White Smoke


White Smoke 〰️

I pre-ordered this book during Halloween, and now that it's October once again, I finally got a chance to dig into it. Was it worth the wait? Absolutely.

This book is everything I love in horror movies and more. I was legit on the edge of my seat reading this. The buildup to everything and pacing was spot on. Jackson knows how to deliver a killer story. I do hope this does become a movie or something someday. I would watch the hell out of it.

And in a twist, this book wasn't even supernatural at all! But it was still written like it was, and when the truth was found out, it was still all believable.

I loved the random bed bug facts throughout the book, and it was interesting to see them come into play at the end. Mari had some significant character growth (and not just with the bugs). She learns she is deserving of love and how to be a better sister/daughter. I loved reading about her growth.

I will say, however, that the last chapter felt rushed and a bit unfinished. Although a lot of horror movies I've watched are also kind of like that, so I guess it's normal. I still wanted more resolve, though. But besides that, it was my only negative about the book, and that's a small one at that.

I'm glad I finally got the chance to read this; it was well worth the wait. I highly recommend this to anyone who loves horror and spooky things in general. Great characters, world-building and engaging writing. This book has it all. Could you give it a go and pick up a copy today?