The Original SOUTH: Silent Tears ch 8 / by A.M. Molloy

Well, here is the final chapter of Silent Tears. These 8 chapters took forever to write. Like over a year. (You know it wasn’t a good story when haha) I mean, heck, I wrote 10,000+ words last week, way more than all 8 chapters of Silent Tears. I also didn’t really know where I was going with this original story. It was poorly planned, and the characters were bland. 

The reason I decided to show you all eight chapters of Silent Tears was so that when SOUTH is published, you can see how much you can improve if you keep at it. Never stop writing. Never stop creating. You will improve and be proud of what you produce.  

So, I hope you’ve all enjoyed reading the story that eventually did a 180 and became SOUTH. Enjoy! 

Thank you for sticking around until the end! I will go back to talking about the far superior SOUTH novel and my writing progress shortly. 


A little about the story:

Minami Kyuki’s hearts a battle ground of despair. Faced with more difficulties in her life than the normal teen, Minami copes by living one day at a time. But how long before the tragic events of her past haunts her to her death?


Silent Tears Vol1

Chapter 8: Over?


         OFFICER TOMAS, BRENT and TIM rush down stairs, screaming for
         order. DEREK turns his gaze around, seeing the cops, finally
         losing his sanity. The fast grip he holds on his gun
         loosens and drops to the ground. Raising his hands to his
         head, his legs slowly give way and falls to the ground
         muttering nonsense to himself; his face twisted with pain
         and anger. MINAMI eyes are slightly open, but it looks as if
         no one is there. She slowly tries to get up to go towards
         her friends. KAYLA is huddled over a body on the floor. MARK
         is on the floor, blood bleeding profusely from a gun shot
         wound. He silently screams on the floor, writhing in pain.
         KAYLA looks up to see the cops and gets up, grabbing her
         friend in the process, trying to take her with her. MINAMI
         stays frozen, her eyes unfocused, her vision becoming
         impaired from the blood coming from a huge gash in her
         forehead. The twins, VENESSA and NATALIE take comfort by the
         arms of BRENT as he whisks them away from the danger. KAYLA
         speaks, trying to convince MINAMI of something, however,
         slowly swaying in her spot, does not seem to hear her.

                   We need an ambulance! Get back up
                   in here now!

                   (Narrative Bubble) It’s over…

         MINAMI slowly begins to waver towards unconsciousness,
         OFFICER TREVOR catching her.


                   (Narrative Bubble) Is it ever
                   really? No….


                   (Narrative Bubble) Never. This was
                   only the beginning.


         MINAMI is laying down on a white bed, her eyes closed, a big
         bandage around her head. KAYLA lying on the second bed,
         covered in a variety of band-aids & gauzes. Both MINAMI’s
         and KAYLA’s parents are in the hallway, talking to the cops.
         MINAMI slowly opens her eyes. KAYLA looks over to her friend
         and turns on her side to get a better view.

                   Mina! Hey! You’re awake. How you

         MINAMI looks towards her friend. A big smile plays against
         her face.

                   (Laughs) The best.

         KAYLA’s smile fades away, her face becoming more serious.

                   How in the world can you be so

                   Oh, right. I forgot. The world
                   ended for you. Actually, after the
                   first few murders I saw, well, you
                   tend to zone them out.

                   Gee, I thought you of all people
                   would be more sympathetic. A boy
                   got murdered. In FRONT of OUR eyes!

         MINAMI speaks, her voice now held sympathy.

                   I know. It bothers me to. DEREK had
                   no right to do what he did. No one
                   deserves that.

         A shot of a masked killer.

                   (Narrative Bubble) Except him.

                   I’ll be here for you, whenever you
                   need to talk about it. It’s hard to
                   see death and believe me, you never
                   get used to seeing it. It’s over


         MINAMI looks at the ceiling, at something it seems only she
         can see.

                   (Narrative Bubble) A life was lost
                   and I doubt the twins or KAYLA
                   would ever be the same. I don’t
                   blame them. But I did learn one
                   thing from this horrible
                   experience. I know he is still out
                   there, and I’m going to find him.

                   I’ll make it my mission in life to
                   find him and bring him to justice.
                   It may be unusual, but it’s the
                   only way I know how….

         KAYLA looks at her friend, confused.


         MINAMI starts and comes back to earth. She looks at KAYLA.

                   Haha, sorry, went into my own world
                   there for a minute. Won’t happen

                   Pft, yeah right.

                   Haha yeah.

         They both laugh, the wave of terror that had surrounded them
         now fading away. MINAMI slowly sits up, her hand
         automatically going towards her head.

                   Man I hope this doesn’t scar. One
                   big gash on my head is enough.

         She looks around the room searching for something.

                   Where are the twins and how long
                   was I out? What are our parents
                   doing? Why aren’t they in here?

                   Haha, always quick to ask
                   questions. Let’s see. Our parents
                   are talking to the cops about what
                   happened, getting the full deets I
                   guess. Also cause the doctors
                   complained that there was too many
                   people in the room and kicked them
                   out. The twins weren’t injured so
                   they sent them home for some rest,
                   or therapy, I’m not sure which.
                   Probably both.


                   Couple of hours. You got a
                   concussion or something I think. I
                   dunno, you hit your head pretty
                   hard. I’m not doctor so I can’t give
                   full details.

         MINAMI jumps out of the bed then jumps right back in.

                   Where the heck are you doing?

         MINAMI pulls the sheets around her neck.

                   Where are my clothes!? I got
                   hospital junk on! I can’t be seen
                   in this!

                   Why not?

                   It’s uncool!

         KAYLA rolls her eyes.

                   Oh you.

         They both laugh again.


         Two weeks has passed since the incident with DEREK. Kids can
         be seen in the hall ways gossiping every time they saw

                             GIRL 1
                   I heard DEREK KILLED a boy!

                             BOY 1
                   Yeah and he shot one of his crew
                   MARK! Heard he survived but is
                   still in the hospital. Haha.

                             BOY 2
                   Bet he cried like a baby! Haha.

                             GIRL 1
                   Poor girls. I heard they’ll need
                   hard core therapy for the rest of
                   their lives!

                             BOY 1
                   Yeah. But that Japanese chick, she
                   still seems as pumped about life as


         MINAMI, VENESSA, NATALIE, and KAYLA are seen walking through
         the class room doors. The twins and KAYLA are talking
         amongst themselves.

                   Wow they’re still talking about
                   what happened. Jeez, do kids ever
                   stop gossiping?

                   Yeah, it’s hard enough to try and
                   forget what happened with ought
                   them bringing it up every 5

                   My parents are thinking of taking
                   me out of choir, just so I can stay
                   close to home more often.

                             NATALIE AND VENESSA

         They take their usual seats in class, all surrounded by each
         other. MINAMI laughs at the twins’ reaction, but her eye’s
         are somewhere else.

                        (Narrative Bubble) Every day
                        and every night it’s the same.
                        Put on a face in the day so
                        you don’t scare the kids.
                        Unveil the mask at night,
                        where nightmares plague my
                        once happy dreams.

         MR. GARRET enters the room, telling the class to stop their
         talking and take out their books to prepare for another
         boring lecture.

                        (Narrative Bubble) I see him
                        more clearly now than I have
                        before. I see him as if he
                        were standing right next to

         A shadow of the killer lurks behind MINAMI as she thinks. CU
         of MINAMI, staring into nothing, her book open on her desk.

                        (Narrative Bubble) I got to
                        bring him to justice. He’s got
                        to pay for what he has done.
                        He’s just got to….

         CU of her hands clenching into a fist. A shot of her body,
         hand in a fist, her face fighting back the rage within.

                        (Narrative Bubble) I’ll take
                        his life, lay it out for the
                        world to see. See if he can
                        hide from his past then. Make
                        him suffer first, then do to
                        him as he has done to me.

         A shot of the class room, where some kids in the back
         whisper amongst themselves, others passing note, others
         taking note, actually paying attention.

                        (Narrative Bubble) A life for
                        a life. It’s only fair. Even
                        if life isn’t.

Source: silent-tears8