The Original SOUTH: Silent Tears ch 8 by A.M. Molloy

Well, here is the final chapter of Silent Tears. These 8 chapters took forever to write. Like over a year. (You know it wasn’t a good story when haha) I mean, heck, I wrote 10,000+ words last week, way more than all 8 chapters of Silent Tears. I also didn’t really know where I was going with this original story. It was poorly planned, and the characters were bland. 

The reason I decided to show you all eight chapters of Silent Tears was so that when SOUTH is published, you can see how much you can improve if you keep at it. Never stop writing. Never stop creating. You will improve and be proud of what you produce.  

So, I hope you’ve all enjoyed reading the story that eventually did a 180 and became SOUTH. Enjoy! 

Thank you for sticking around until the end! I will go back to talking about the far superior SOUTH novel and my writing progress shortly. 


A little about the story:

Minami Kyuki’s hearts a battle ground of despair. Faced with more difficulties in her life than the normal teen, Minami copes by living one day at a time. But how long before the tragic events of her past haunts her to her death?


Silent Tears Vol1

Chapter 8: Over?


         OFFICER TOMAS, BRENT and TIM rush down stairs, screaming for
         order. DEREK turns his gaze around, seeing the cops, finally
         losing his sanity. The fast grip he holds on his gun
         loosens and drops to the ground. Raising his hands to his
         head, his legs slowly give way and falls to the ground
         muttering nonsense to himself; his face twisted with pain
         and anger. MINAMI eyes are slightly open, but it looks as if
         no one is there. She slowly tries to get up to go towards
         her friends. KAYLA is huddled over a body on the floor. MARK
         is on the floor, blood bleeding profusely from a gun shot
         wound. He silently screams on the floor, writhing in pain.
         KAYLA looks up to see the cops and gets up, grabbing her
         friend in the process, trying to take her with her. MINAMI
         stays frozen, her eyes unfocused, her vision becoming
         impaired from the blood coming from a huge gash in her
         forehead. The twins, VENESSA and NATALIE take comfort by the
         arms of BRENT as he whisks them away from the danger. KAYLA
         speaks, trying to convince MINAMI of something, however,
         slowly swaying in her spot, does not seem to hear her.

                   We need an ambulance! Get back up
                   in here now!

                   (Narrative Bubble) It’s over…

         MINAMI slowly begins to waver towards unconsciousness,
         OFFICER TREVOR catching her.


                   (Narrative Bubble) Is it ever
                   really? No….


                   (Narrative Bubble) Never. This was
                   only the beginning.


         MINAMI is laying down on a white bed, her eyes closed, a big
         bandage around her head. KAYLA lying on the second bed,
         covered in a variety of band-aids & gauzes. Both MINAMI’s
         and KAYLA’s parents are in the hallway, talking to the cops.
         MINAMI slowly opens her eyes. KAYLA looks over to her friend
         and turns on her side to get a better view.

                   Mina! Hey! You’re awake. How you

         MINAMI looks towards her friend. A big smile plays against
         her face.

                   (Laughs) The best.

         KAYLA’s smile fades away, her face becoming more serious.

                   How in the world can you be so

                   Oh, right. I forgot. The world
                   ended for you. Actually, after the
                   first few murders I saw, well, you
                   tend to zone them out.

                   Gee, I thought you of all people
                   would be more sympathetic. A boy
                   got murdered. In FRONT of OUR eyes!

         MINAMI speaks, her voice now held sympathy.

                   I know. It bothers me to. DEREK had
                   no right to do what he did. No one
                   deserves that.

         A shot of a masked killer.

                   (Narrative Bubble) Except him.

                   I’ll be here for you, whenever you
                   need to talk about it. It’s hard to
                   see death and believe me, you never
                   get used to seeing it. It’s over


         MINAMI looks at the ceiling, at something it seems only she
         can see.

                   (Narrative Bubble) A life was lost
                   and I doubt the twins or KAYLA
                   would ever be the same. I don’t
                   blame them. But I did learn one
                   thing from this horrible
                   experience. I know he is still out
                   there, and I’m going to find him.

                   I’ll make it my mission in life to
                   find him and bring him to justice.
                   It may be unusual, but it’s the
                   only way I know how….

         KAYLA looks at her friend, confused.


         MINAMI starts and comes back to earth. She looks at KAYLA.

                   Haha, sorry, went into my own world
                   there for a minute. Won’t happen

                   Pft, yeah right.

                   Haha yeah.

         They both laugh, the wave of terror that had surrounded them
         now fading away. MINAMI slowly sits up, her hand
         automatically going towards her head.

                   Man I hope this doesn’t scar. One
                   big gash on my head is enough.

         She looks around the room searching for something.

                   Where are the twins and how long
                   was I out? What are our parents
                   doing? Why aren’t they in here?

                   Haha, always quick to ask
                   questions. Let’s see. Our parents
                   are talking to the cops about what
                   happened, getting the full deets I
                   guess. Also cause the doctors
                   complained that there was too many
                   people in the room and kicked them
                   out. The twins weren’t injured so
                   they sent them home for some rest,
                   or therapy, I’m not sure which.
                   Probably both.


                   Couple of hours. You got a
                   concussion or something I think. I
                   dunno, you hit your head pretty
                   hard. I’m not doctor so I can’t give
                   full details.

         MINAMI jumps out of the bed then jumps right back in.

                   Where the heck are you doing?

         MINAMI pulls the sheets around her neck.

                   Where are my clothes!? I got
                   hospital junk on! I can’t be seen
                   in this!

                   Why not?

                   It’s uncool!

         KAYLA rolls her eyes.

                   Oh you.

         They both laugh again.


         Two weeks has passed since the incident with DEREK. Kids can
         be seen in the hall ways gossiping every time they saw

                             GIRL 1
                   I heard DEREK KILLED a boy!

                             BOY 1
                   Yeah and he shot one of his crew
                   MARK! Heard he survived but is
                   still in the hospital. Haha.

                             BOY 2
                   Bet he cried like a baby! Haha.

                             GIRL 1
                   Poor girls. I heard they’ll need
                   hard core therapy for the rest of
                   their lives!

                             BOY 1
                   Yeah. But that Japanese chick, she
                   still seems as pumped about life as


         MINAMI, VENESSA, NATALIE, and KAYLA are seen walking through
         the class room doors. The twins and KAYLA are talking
         amongst themselves.

                   Wow they’re still talking about
                   what happened. Jeez, do kids ever
                   stop gossiping?

                   Yeah, it’s hard enough to try and
                   forget what happened with ought
                   them bringing it up every 5

                   My parents are thinking of taking
                   me out of choir, just so I can stay
                   close to home more often.

                             NATALIE AND VENESSA

         They take their usual seats in class, all surrounded by each
         other. MINAMI laughs at the twins’ reaction, but her eye’s
         are somewhere else.

                        (Narrative Bubble) Every day
                        and every night it’s the same.
                        Put on a face in the day so
                        you don’t scare the kids.
                        Unveil the mask at night,
                        where nightmares plague my
                        once happy dreams.

         MR. GARRET enters the room, telling the class to stop their
         talking and take out their books to prepare for another
         boring lecture.

                        (Narrative Bubble) I see him
                        more clearly now than I have
                        before. I see him as if he
                        were standing right next to

         A shadow of the killer lurks behind MINAMI as she thinks. CU
         of MINAMI, staring into nothing, her book open on her desk.

                        (Narrative Bubble) I got to
                        bring him to justice. He’s got
                        to pay for what he has done.
                        He’s just got to….

         CU of her hands clenching into a fist. A shot of her body,
         hand in a fist, her face fighting back the rage within.

                        (Narrative Bubble) I’ll take
                        his life, lay it out for the
                        world to see. See if he can
                        hide from his past then. Make
                        him suffer first, then do to
                        him as he has done to me.

         A shot of the class room, where some kids in the back
         whisper amongst themselves, others passing note, others
         taking note, actually paying attention.

                        (Narrative Bubble) A life for
                        a life. It’s only fair. Even
                        if life isn’t.

The Original SOUTH: Silent Tears ch 7 by A.M. Molloy

Welcome back to another installment of Silent Tears. This is the second last chapter that I wrote. Albeit bad, this chapter was one of my favourite out of all the chapters I wrote for Silent Tears. Based off true events! Well, the school project bit anyway. 

I still can't believe this was the original version of SOUTH, even though its absolutely NOTHING like SOUTH. Still, enjoy the unedited version, with all its grammar and story flaws. 


A little about the story:

Minami Kyuki’s hearts a battle ground of despair. Faced with more difficulties in her life than the normal teen, Minami copes by living one day at a time. But how long before the tragic events of her past haunts her to her death?


Silent Tears Vol1

Chapter 7: Zucchini


         MINAMI, KAYLA, NATALIE and VENESSA are seen sitting outside
         on the big maple tree in front of MINAMI’s house. They’re
         all laughing, NATALIE just finishing telling a joke. The sun
         hangs brightly over the city, shining full of life.

                   (Narrative Bubble) Ever had one of
                   those dreams where you know you’re

         In their hands they hold ice cream, each of their faces
         bright with the laughter of youth.

                   (Narrative Bubble) Like now…. I
                   know I’m dreaming this. I got to

         MINAMI turns to face her friends.

                   Haha! And you know what else?

                   What? What?

                   Oh! Do tell!

                   He ATE it! Haha!

         MINAMI doubles over with laughter, VENESSA has one hand
         covering her mouth, trying to keep the ice cream from
         falling out. KAYLA drops her ice cream on the ground.

                   (Narrative Bubble) Things just
                   don’t come as easy as this now. Not
                   for me anyway.

                   Aw man! Heheh. I wasn’t, haha,
                   wasn’t even half way, haha, half
                   way done. *snicker*

         VENESSA points and laughs at her friend, MINAMI with a big
         grin on her scarred face.

                   (Narrative Bubble) Who knew you
                   could dream when your knocked out

                   C'mon, let’s get you another. We
                   got to start on that Media Studies
                   project anyway.

         They hop down from the tree, the twins being extra careful
         as to not drop their ice cream. MINAMI, who has the entire
         stick in her mouth, jumps down trying to be cool.

                   (To herself)Yay, school work on
                   Saturday. Joy.


         KAYLA sits on MINAMI’s bed flipping through a bunch of
         papers. The twins are looking though their back packs, while
         MINAMI fiddles with the video camera, trying to get it to
         work, holding it in weird angles.

                   So were supposed to film a bunch of
                   ads & a news cast for Media Studies

                   (To herself) How do you turn this
                   thing on? It’s like ancient!

         KAYLA sighs, gets up, walks towards MINAMI, looks at the
         camera, flicks a switch, turning the camera on. MINAMI looks
         at KAYLA with a big grin. KAYLA rolls her eyes.

                   OK, so we got the cereal add, the
                   music add and the ‘Top’ news
                   stories. Everyone remember their

         MINAMI looks away from the camera.

                   What? We got to memorize stuff?

         Slight panic passes through her eyes.

                   Not really, you mainly wing it.

                   Oh, gotcha.

         (New scene) Shot of NATALIE.

                   OK! Scene one! Action!

         A 'Recording Screen’. MINAMI and KAYLA are standing behind a
         table, a bright green Bristol board with the words 'Bedroom
         5 News’ printed on it in bright colors taped to the front.
         MINAMI has a fake mustache on her face while KAYLA wears her
         mother’s old clothes.

                   (Narrative Bubble) Out of all the
                   things to dream of, I dream of this

                   (In a manly voice) Welcome to the
                   evening news. I’m your host MR
                   DINGLESMITHS and this is my

                   (In a high pitch almost British
                   voice) NINA NINER.

                        (Narrative Bubble) Well at
                        least it’s a pleasant dream.

                   And we welcome you to Bedroom 5

         CU of KAYLA.

                   But first! Commercials!

         Shot of MINAMI and KAYLA. MINAMI leans slightly into the



         A 'Recording Screen’. Shot of MINAMI and NATALIE eating some
         cereal. Both are pretending that the cereal taste horrible,
         NATALIE is fighting back a grin.

                   WOW! This cereal taste awful!

                   Yeah, it’s so bad that I want some

         MINAMI pretends to pour some more. Then pretends to take a


         Both her & Natalie smile at the camera with their thumbs


         A 'Recording Screen’. A shot of a Circle-O’s cereal, with a
         paper cutout of a new name, Horrible-O’s. In front of the
         box is a bowl of the Circle-O’s and some bananas and apples.

                             MINAMI, VENESSA, NATALIE
                        (Voice only) (Singing) Nothing
                        taste worse than some
                        Horrible-O’s! Yuck!

                        (Voice only) A part of your
                        everyday healthy breakfast.
                        Delicious fruit not included.


         A shot of MINAMI, and KAYLA behind the desk with the
         'Bedroom 5 News’s once more. A shot of NATALIE

                   OK! Action!

         A 'Recording Screen’. A shot of MINAMI and KAYLA behind the
         desk with the sign 'Bedroom 5 News’.

                   And as promised! Our top news! Nina

                   Here’s the clip now!

         The two stand there idly looking around, doing silly faces
         at each other. NATALIE clear’s her thought.

                   (Off screen) AHEM! This is your
                   director speaking! The camera is
                   still rolling!

         MINAMI and KAYLA look back at the camera all stiff. MINAMI
         clears her thought.

                   Yes of course!

                   Oh how silly of me! Of us! Hehe.

                   (Off screen) To the scene!


         A 'Recording Screen’. VENESSA is standing at the camera
         while NATALIE is running from something stripped in what
         seems to be paper towels.

                   As you can see, there is a mummy on
                   the loose! … Zoom in KAYLA! Ahem
                   I mean cameraman!

                   (Narrative Bubble) What a silly
                   day, huh?

         Zoom in to MINAMI wrapped badly in toilet paper chasing

                   ARG AND SUCH!

                   THE HORROR! DON’T EAT ME MR MUMMY!

         Shot of VENESSA

                   Back you at the studio.


         A 'Recording Screen’. MINAMI and KAYLA are back at the desk.

                   (Voice far off in the distance)
                   There they are! …

                   That concludes…

         A dark room is melting into the BG.

                   …our news today.

         The room is slowing fading away to nothing.

                   (Narrative Bubble)Oh well, guess
                   you can’t always stay in dream
                   land. Reality bites. It hurts but I
                   know that the pain is real. And
                   that this dream won’t last forever.


                   (Voice far off in the distance) Put
                   your hands down! PUT THEM DOWN!

The Original SOUTH: Silent Tears ch 6 by A.M. Molloy

Okay, so screw chapter 5. This one might be the worst chapter of Silent Tears yet. The dialogue! It’s cringe worthy. Still, I hope you’ve been enjoying the origin story of SOUTH.

Also, same as usual. Nothing has been edited so expect grammar and story issues. I'm so glad I've improved in my writing. 


A little about the story:

Minami Kyuki’s hearts a battle ground of despair. Faced with more difficulties in her life than the normal teen, Minami copes by living one day at a time. But how long before the tragic events of her past haunts her to her death?


Silent Tears Vol1

Chapter 6: Crimson Regret


         It’s a slow night, there are only a few cops on duty. One of
         the cops is doing paper work, trying to suppress his tired
         yawns. Another is standing by the window, looking blankly in
         to the distance outside. Two others are talking amongst
         themselves in the corner of the room over coffee. The phone
         rings. The officer by the window gives a start, then
         regaining his posture, turns his gaze towards the phone. He
         answers the phone.

                             OFFICER TOMAS
                   Hello? … Yes, right away.

         He turns around to the other men.

                             OFFICER TOMAS
                   Alright men, we got a few missing
                   persons out there. BRENT and
                   TREVOR, suit up, were heading out.
                   TIM, notify the others, were
                   looking for 2 Asians & a set of
                   twins, all female. Let’s go!

         BRENT looks over to TIM & whispers.

                   Finally, some action.



         MARK STAGGER sits in the corner, inhaling the white pain
         coming from his shoulder. He looks at KAYLA, who’s eyes were
         fixed on her friend lying on the floor. He turns his deep
         hazel eyes on the twins, VENNESSA and NATALIE. He places his
         hand on his injured shoulder, then looks at it, his hand now
         stained in his own blood. DEREK is still pacing the room,
         looking in the brink of insanity. He keeps rubbing his hand
         though his hair, mumbling strange words to himself, every
         now and then turning his gun towards the crowd he has
         captured in the room. MARK decides to risk talking to DEREK.

                   What do you plan on doing DEREK?
                   You can’t keep us all here forever.

         DEREK, startled, points the gun at MARK.

                   Quite MARK. You still never told me
                   what you were doing here in the
                   first place, with ought me.

                   I came to my senses. So, I decided
                   to free them before they were hurt.
                   Too late for that I guess.

         DEREK takes in a deep breath, looking up. He turns his gaze
         towards MARK, his back hunched over, his gun still still
         pointing at his once friend.

                   You tried to free them? Well how’s
                   that working out for you.

         DEREK puts one hand on his head, rubs it through his hair.

                   Now because of you look what
                   happened. Two innocents are stuck

         MARK speaks, but mainly to himself.

                   Hey, it wasn’t my idea to bring
                   them here in the first place.

         DEREK walks swiftly towards MARK, a crazed look in his eyes,
         the points the gun MARKS face; the twins and KAYLA scream.

                   What did you say?

         MARK cowers in the corner, his arms raised over his head.

                   N-nothing man! I was just following
                   what you told me to do, leave me
                   out of this!

         DEREK turns around then screams.

                   Aw man I’m in a s*** load of
                   trouble aren’t I.

                   No s***.

         NATALIE, still in her own world, speaks, but so low its
         almost as if she speaks to no one.

                   What do you want from us?

         DEREK points the gun at NATALIE. Her sister, shakes with
         fear for her sibling.

                   Please…. Please, oh God almighty,
                   please. I don’t…. Please….

         NATALIES eyes are no longer filled with fear. Her mind seems
         to be in a state of shock and confusion.

                   I didn’t want you, no, not you two
                   to be hurt. MARK either, but
                   now…. I had no choice. No choice.
                   Just you two!

         DEREK looks at MINAMI and KAYLA.

                   You’re the ones this world is better
                   off with!

         MINAMI sturs on the floor. KAYLA inches towards the girl.

                   Mi.. na…mi?

         MINAMI, with eyes still closed, speaks softly.

                   How many drops of blood will it
                   take for you?


         MINAMI slowly gets up.


                             THE TWINS

                   She’s alive. F****** good s***.

         MINAMI slowly sits up, KAYLA moves forward to aid her.
         MINAMI then raises her hand to her head, wincing in pain.
         She looks at DEREK.

                   How many?

                   What you talking about b****?

         Spit flys from his mouth. Tears are now running down his
         eyes, his lips becoming wet from his own saliva running out
         of his mouth; his body, shaking in what seems to be fear.

                   How many others have you hurt? 1?
                   2? 10? How many? I know we
                   certainly werent the first. I get

                   NO YOU DON’T!

         MINAMI slowly stands up, staggering.

                   Yes. I do. Ive had my family ripped
                   away from me too. I feel your
                   anger, your pain.

         DEREK bends over, both hands to his head, screaming as loud
         as he can.

                   SHUT UP!

         He cocks his gun and goes to shoot MINAMI. MARK gets up.



         Gun shots can be heard, birds flutter in the distance.


         The three officers look at each other as they hear gun shots
         in the distance. They pull over their car on the side of the

                   What was that?

                   Gun shots.

         TIM raises his gun and looks at his boss as to what to do

                   Let’s go.

         The men climb out of the car and head into the bushes, guns
         raised. TOMAS reaches for his walkie talkie.

                   This is officer TOMAS, we need back
                   up on that old road. Two gun shots
                   were fired. I repeat, back up…

         TIM, slightly ahead of his two coworkers, pushes through
         the bushes. He stops in his tracks.

                   Boss? Check this out.

         TOMAS walks past the bushes, BRENT following him.

                   Let’s check it out.


         The three cops enter silently and switly, guns ready to
         shoot. Muffled noises can be hear from the room below.
         Whispering, TIM speaks.

                   Should we wait for back up?

                   No. I don’t want to risk it. You
                   stay here, let them know where we
                   are. BRENT and I will go check it

         TIM, shivering slightly from the still ringing sounds of gun
         shots, nods. His partners leave him behind, alone, shivering
         in the darkness.

The Original SOUTH: Silent Tears ch 5 by A.M. Molloy

Hey guys. Have you been enjoying Silent Tears? Well, this might be the worst chapter of Silent Tears yet. Hope you enjoy the origin story of SOUTH.

Once more, nothing has been edited or altered. Therefore plenty of grammar and story issues abound. 


A little about the story:

Minami Kyuki’s hearts a battle ground of despair. Faced with more difficulties in her life than the normal teen, Minami copes by living one day at a time. But how long before the tragic events of her past haunts her to her death?


Silent Tears Vol1

Chapter 5: Minami Kyuki


         Black with writing on it.

                   How come no one ever thinks about
                   the moon rise? Is it not
                   significant enough?

         MINAMI KYUKIs body is lying unconcious on the ground of the
         abandoned house, the body of the dead boy near her side. The
         twins, NATALIE and VENNESA DOUMONT, cower next to MARK
         STAGGER, fear in their eyes.

                   C'mon DEREK, it’s been hours. Let
                   us go, we won’t tell.

         KAYLA nods. DEREK ignores them. NATALIE points to MINAMI’s

                   Is she… dead?

                   No, just unconscious. DEREK fired a
                   shot but missed her. So, in anger,
                   he hit her in the head instead….
                   but….  he is….

         She points to the dead body of the young boy. The twins
         gasp. Out of fear they shut them self’s up from the world.
         CU of MINAMI.


         Shot of the twins.

                   (Narrative)The twins too!

         A back shot of KAYLA as she looks at DEREK, who is is pacing
         the room, unsure of what to do. KAYLA begins to cry silent

                   (Narrative)No…. This can’t be
                   happening. Not now. Too fast….
                   It’s all happening too fast. I
                   couldn’t… couldn’t…

         CU of KAYALAs eyes, as tears poor down her smooth face.

                   I can’t move. I can’t… can’t go
                   to my friend to help her! My best

         FLASH BACK of earlier days. Different shots of MINAMI and
         KAYLA hanging out together, some with the twins. MINAMI is
         seen making funny faces to her friends, making them laugh.
         MINAMI is showing KAYLA how to do some martial art moves.
         KAYLA is sick and MINAMI is helping nursing her friend back
         to health. CU of the unconscious MINAMI.

                   (Narrative) Why does this kind of
                   stuff always happen to you?

         FLASH BACK.


         MINAMI, KAYLA and the twins are sitting on the steps out
         side their school during lunch hour. The sun shining
         brightly upon the horizon.

                   Hey guys?


                   How come everyone always says
                   "sunrise" and “sunset” and nobody
                   ever thinks about the moonrise?

                   What are you talking about?

                   MINAMI’s being weird again.

                   But the sun is still out, why
                   mention the moon?

         MINAMI turns to face her friends.

                   My dad always used to tell me that
                   the moon rises to give people light
                   at night when they are lonely.

         NATALIE looks at MINAMI and then to the sky. KAYLA looks as
         though she is suppressing a giggle.

                   My family is there, to raise the
                   moon. Just for me. They always know
                   how to make me happy.

         KAYLA, letting out a bit of laughter.

                   OK, where does this come from?

                   I think its deep and kind of sad.

         NATALIE looks back at MINAMI.

                   Hey, you’ll always have us!

                   Hey c'mon, we got a little bit of
                   time before the bell rings for next
                   class, let’s go race to the
                   baseball field!

                             NATALIE AND MINAMI


         The three friends get up and begin to run towards the field.
         CU of MINAMI

                   (Narrative) You were always there
                   for me.


         Shot of the unconscious MINAMI lying on the cold floor.

                   (Narrative) Where was I when you
                   needed me?


         KAYLA suddenly stops, her hand clutching to her chest in

                   Ahhk… Aack… gu gu…

         MINAMI, a big smile on her face, notices something is wrong
         and turns around, her smile fading. The twins hear the
         sudden change of movement and turn around.



         KAYLA is on her knees, gasping for air.

                   Haaaa… Gaa…. *gasp*

                   She’s having an asthma attack!

         She turns around frantically, looking for help.

                   Someone help her!

                   What do we do?

         MINAMI rushes towards her friend. She begins to frantically
         dig in KAYLA’s backpack. She takes out an inhaler.

                   Got it!

         She turns to the twins.

                   Call 911 or a teacher or something!

         She turns her gaze towards the gasping KAYLA.


         She gives KAYLA the inhaler. KAYLA begins to calm down. She
         begins to fall in MINAMI’s arms. Teachers can be heard in
         the distance, yelling for space. Shot of KAYLA and MINAMI.

                   (Narrative) You were always there
                   for me….


         KAYLA is see crouching, her arms wrapped around her legs,
         trying to form a ball.


         LYNN, DENNIS, ROSA and DANIEL CONNERY are sitting in the
         living room. ROSA is pacing, her husband DANIEL, watching

                   It’s 10:00, where they hell are

         The phone rings.

                   We should call the police.

         LYNN picks up the phone.


         She talks for a minuet, then hangs up the phone.

                   That was the twins mother. She said
                   they left for choir practice and
                   never came back.

                   That’s it, we call the police.

         She grabs the phone from LYNN’s hands and starts to dial.

         FADE TO BLACK

                   The time has stopped into a

The Original SOUTH: Silent Tears ch 4 by A.M. Molloy

A new day, a ‘new’ installment, chapter 4, of the original story Silent Tears, before it became SOUTH. I warn you, this story is so bad, (and short), that it’s funny. This one here is real gold in the way of bad writing. 

(Seriously, where did I come up with this stuff?)

Unedited, which means grammar and story flaws are plentiful. 

A little about the story:

Minami Kyuki’s hearts a battle ground of despair. Faced with more difficulties in her life than the normal teen, Minami copes by living one day at a time. But how long before the tragic events of her past haunts her to her death?


Silent Tears Vol1

Chapter 4: Hostages


                             MARK STAGGER
                   You can’t harm them all! There’s
                   too many of them!

         DEREK reaches for something in his pocket, tightening his grip
         on the boy, who stands silent in fear.

                             DEREK BEIYIT
                   Maybe not all, but I got to start

         DEREK swiftly pulls out a gun, then shoots the boy in the head,
         killing him instantly. MINAMI, KAYLA, and MARK stand back in
         shock and fear. KAYLA falls to the ground, sobbing,
         shrieking. MARK slowly moves away from DEREK, muttering
         words only he can hear. MINAMI’s eyes widen, her hands begin
         to shakes, clenching into a tight fist.

         FLASH BACK of the murderer of her family, the gun in his hands
         as he shots MINAMI’s parents. END FLASHBACK.

         DEREK points the gun at KAYLA and MINAMI. KAYLA screams as MARK
         falls to the ground, tears pouring out of his dark brown

                   No…. no…. (screams) NO!

                   Shut up b**** or your next.

         He points the gun at her.

                   I’ve had enough of Asians! There
                   good for nothing low life’s, who
                   take away all that is good in this

         MINAMI tilts her head, an insane look in her eyes. She is
         not herself.

                   Your no better than him.

         MINAMI slowly moves towards DEREK, her left hand moving towards
         the chain attached to her pants.

                   KAYLA, do you know why I always
                   have this chain with me?

                   What the hell? Are you crazy? He’s
                   got a bloody gun!

         DEREK points the gun towards KAYLA.

                   Shut the hell up!

         KAYLA shrieks, cowering in the corner.

                   No. It’s not a fashion statement.

         She undoes the chain from her pants.

                   It’s so I can hurt people like YOU!

         She lunges towards DEREK, rage in her eyes. DEREK shoots, misses.
         He fires again, missing MINAMI but grazing MARK on the
         shoulder. MARK screams in pain. MINAMI reaches DEREK, puts
         the chain around his neck and pulls with all her might.
         DEREK chokes.

                   Who’s better now? I wasn’t able to
                   stop you then, but now

                   Wha… cough… talkin ‘bout?

         She pulls harder. DEREKS eyes begin to roll back.

                   MINAMI NO!

         MINAMI looks up, her eyes change, revealing fear. She drops the
         chain. DEREK holds his neck, recovers, then points the gun
         at MINAMI. She falls to her knees.

                   Not again. Please, not again.

                   I was right. You’re all insane! You
                   wanna know why I dislike your
                   'kind?’ I was 14.

         He holds the gun shakenly at MINAMI.

                   Things were great. Then we went for
                   that trip in Japan.

         FLASH BACK as he talks.

                   Me and my mom were having a great
                   time, but we got lost. Then this
                   man with a scar on his left check
                   came up to us. We ask him where we
                   were, then he took out a gun.

                             DEREK’S MOM
                   Please! Don’t harm my son!

         The man grabs YOUNG DEREK by his hair, throws him aside.
         YOUNG DEREK’s mom screams. The man shoots both her legs.
         YOUNG DEREK runs to hide behind a garbage can as the man
         deals the final bow to his mother. END FLASH BACK. DEREKS
         eyes tear up.

                   He KILLED her! I saw her murdered.
                   The cops didn’t even do anything. 
                   He, and all the rest of the Asian
                   world will pay!

         He begins to point the gun at everyone, as if not sure who
         to shoot first. MARK is still in the corner, in pain.

         MINAMI gets up, clearly angered by DEREK’S story. She points
         to the scar on her face.

                   See this scar? See it? This is a
                   constant reminder of what I’ve
                   seen. I would count myself lucky if
                   I were you, considering that’s all
                   YOU seen. I witnessed BOTH of my
                   parents die, along with the rest of
                   my family too. So one of your
                   parents is dead. Big deal. Grow up!

         DEREK grabs MINAMI by the shoulders, pushes her against the
         wall and points the gun to her head.

                   SHURT UP! What do you know, your
                   just as bad as him! You bloody
                   tried to kill me!

                   I tried to kill you? You tried to
                   kill US! You’re the one with the gun!

         DEREK cocks the gun, anger in his eyes, then points it at


                   DEREK NO!

         Shot of outside the old house as a gunshot is heard.


         VENESSA and NATALIE DOUMONT are seen leaving their house.

                   We’ll be back in an hour or so.

                   We just got choir practice.

         They close the door.

                   I wonder if MINAMI and KAYLA will
                   be there, they weren’t in school.

                   It’s choir. You know how much
                   MINAMI likes to sing. If she’s not
                   there, then something is wrong.

                   Haha yeah. True too.

         DENNIS comes into the scene while the twins are walking.

                   Allo les filles. Did you see

                   No, she wasn’t at school, why?

                   She hasn’t come home yet.

         The twins look at each other.

                   We’ll let you know if we see her.


         VENESSA and NATALIE are seen walking in the woods.

                   I can’t believe you talked me into
                   this. What was I thinking? Skipping
                   choir to go look for them.

                   Come on NAT, this is our friends
                   we’re talking about, we should be
                   looking for them.

         NATALIE stops.

                   Shouldn’t we have told mom at
                   least? Or call the cops. Yeah, it’s
                   their jobs to do this kind of

         VENESSA turns around to face her sister.

                   Yeah, we should, but who knows
                   MINAMI and KAYLA better than us?

                        (to herself) Their parent’s

         A gunshot is heard in the distance, both twins twirl around
         to the direction of the noise.

                             NATALIE AND VENESSA
                   What was that?

                   That was close by.

                   And we should be farther away then.

                   What if they’re in danger?

                   All the more reason to call the

         VENESSA grabs NATALIE and drags her to where they heard a
         gunshot. Passing a couple of threes, they take a left turn
         and an old house is reveled. The place doesn’t look sturdy,
         but it stands tall and proud in the moon light.

                   We’re not going in THERE are we?
                   Exploring things is MINAMI’s job,
                   not ours.

                   Which would be a perfect place to
                   go check if she is there….

         She looks at NATALIE.

                   You go first.

                   What? Are you crazy?


         VENESSA craws slowly towards the old building, NATALIE
         follows, hesitantly.


         There are muffled voices coming from the floor below.

                   Look VENESSA, someone was here!

         VENESSA and NATALIE find a door, slightly ajar. They creep
         down the stairs. They reach the bottom to find MINAMI lying
         on the floor, KAYLA screaming, a boy in the corner, another
         on the floor, blood from his head, and another boy with a
         gun. KAYLA looks up. She can barely speak from the fear, but
         utters words in a whisper.


         The twins stand in shock. Then DEREK turns around, faces the
         twins. He points the gun at them. Shot of the twins.

                   I really wish I didn’t let you talk
                   me into this.

The Original SOUTH: Silent Tears ch 3 by A.M. Molloy

The next installment, chapter 3, of the original story Silent Tears, before it became SOUTH. I warn you, this story is so bad, (and short), that it’s funny.

Again, I’ve left it intentionally unedited to show my bad grammar and storytelling back in 2008ish.


A little about the story:

Minami Kyuki’s hearts a battle ground of despair. Faced with more difficulties in her life than the normal teen, Minami copes by living one day at a time. But how long before the tragic events of her past haunts her to her death?


Silent Tears Vol1

Chapter 3: Betrayal


         MINAMI KYUKI and KAYLA CONNERY are standing in a dark room, looking
         over a crumpled business card.

                   I know where I see it!


                   My place, the night of the murder.

         Suddenly, up above, a noise could be heard. MINAMI and KAYLA both
         look at each other.

                        (Yelling) Hello?

         KAYLA quickly puts her hand over MINAMI’s mouth.

                   What are you doing? Are you crazy?
                   What if it’s them?

         MINAMI pushes KAYLA’s hand aside.

                   What if it’s not them? Besides, who
                   cares if it is, they alone know
                   were here and it’s them who most
                   likely can get us out!

         KAYLA looks at the ceiling as another noise is heard. The sound
         is now coming form behind the door. MINAMI puts up her
         hands, ready to fight, and this time, win. KAYLA bends down
         behind her, as if to hide behind her friend. The sound of
         the lock being undone can be heard from the other side of
         the old wooden door. Slowly, it creaks open.


         LYNN is sitting on the couch doing a crossword puzzle. She eye’s
         the clock on the VCR many times. DENNIS comes in the front
         door and enters the living room.


                   The school called today. They said
                   MINAMI has missed school, and it’s
                   4:30 and she’s not home yet.

         DENNIS looks at his wife, then at the clock on the VCR. He sighs,
         then turns to walk away.

                   I’ll go look for her at the school.

         He leaves, leaving LYNN alone in the house with the animals. LYNN
         picks up the phone and begins to dial.


         MRS CONNERY is standing at the kitchen counter, making
         supper with a scowl on her face.  TRAVIS CONNERY comes in
         through the front door and puts his bag on the floor.

                             TRAVIS CONNERY
                   Hey mom, what’s for-?

                             MRS CONNERY
                   Don’t you ‘hey mom’ me TRAVIS

         TRAVIS looks confused.


                             MRS CONNERY
                   The school called today saying you
                   missed classes.

                   I didn’t! That call wasn’t for me!

                             MRS CONNERY
                        (Sarcastically)Oh really? Then
                        who was it for then? Mr. who

                   I bet it was KAYLA.

                             MRS CONNERY
                   You know your sister is better than

         The phone rings, interrupting their argument. MRS CONNERY looks
         at the caller ID.

                             MRS CONNERY
                   Hum… MINAMI is calling.

         She picks it up.

                             MRS CONNERY
                   KAYLA is not here MINAMI, call back

         Just as she is about to hang up the phone, the voice on the other
         end screams.

                   Don’t hang up the phone!

         MRS CONNERY puts the phone back to her ear.

                             MRS CONNERY
                   I’m sorry LYNN, I’m going to have
                   to call you back, I got 'kid’
                   issues again.

                   That’s why I’m calling. Is MINAMI
                   there? I got a call from the school
                   saying she missed today and she
                   isn’t home yet. I was wondering if she
                   was with KAYLA.

                             MRS CONNERY
                   KAYLA isn’t even here.

         She looks at TRAVIS.

                             MRS CONNERY
                   I got to go.

         She hangs up the phone.

                             MRS CONNERY
                   You’re off the hook. Now,

                   I told you it wasn’t me!

                             MRS CONNERY
                   Go out and look for your sister.


         MINAMI stands ready to fight, KAYLA behind her on the
         ground. The door slowly opens, and a figure emerges. MARK
         STAGGER steps into the room.

                   What do YOU want?

                   I mean you no harm!

         KAYLA and MINAMI give him a dirty look.

                   Seriously! I just came to…. 
                   Woah, wait.

         MARK points to KAYLA.

                   DEREK said he was going to let you
                   go this morning! What are you still
                   doing here?

                   What am I? Dried sushi?

                   Um, I don’t know. But I guess I had
                   a feeling that he wouldn’t do it,
                   which is why I’m here.

                   Oh. Really. You know, I live by the
                   rule, 'do to others as you want
                   done to yourself.’ I got some eggs
                   and some rocks at my house. You
                   want to come over? Oh! And maybe I
                   can find a glass bottle and break
                   that over YOUR head. Hum? Sound
                   fun, no?

         KAYLA looks at MINAMI.

                   He hit you with a glass bottle?

                   It was an accident!

                   …. Right…. And I suppose 'this’
                   is an accident as well.

         MINAMI does a spinning round house kick which lands hard on
         MARKS head. MARK lands on the ground.

                   Nice shot MINA!

         He gets up, rubbing his head.

                   Screw you *****! I came here to
                   freakin free you man!

         He wipes the blood off the newly made cut on his forehead.

                   Now come on, before I change my
                   mind and believe that DEREK is

                   Right about what?


         MARK is interrupted, for by the door is DEREK, leaning on
         the wall, his face grim. By his side, under his arms is a
         young Asian boy.

                   About what MARK? Tell them.


                   That’s right. You can’t.

                   Oh! Great! Your here!

         MINAMI grabs to crumples business card from KAYLA’S hand and
         shoves it into DEREK’S face.

                   Who gave you that card? Where did
                   you get it? Who wrote on it? Tell

                   Ha! All you need to know is that
                   it’s from Japan.

                   And it’s the start of his

                        (To herself) Obsession?


                   No! You be quiet for once! I’ve
                   been with you since grade school.
                   You were the nicest guy around. But
                   then you went on that trip to Japan
                   and you’ve never been the same. Now
                   all you care about is harming
                   Asians. What’s wrong with you man?

         CU of DEREK grinding his teeth.

                   You can’t harm them all! There’s
                   too many of them!

         DEREK reaches for something in his pocket, tightening his
         grip on the boy, who stands silent in fear.

                   Maybe not all, but I got to start

         DEREK swiftly pulls out a gun, then shoots the boy in the
         head, killing him instantly. MINAMI, KAYLA, and MARK stand
         back in shock and fear.

The Original SOUTH: Silent Tears ch 2 by A.M. Molloy

Continuing on with the original story of SOUTHSilent Tears, here is chapter 2. I love looking back at old stuff and seeing how far I’ve come. This stuff is golden. 

Also, I’ve left the story unedited, so you can see all its flaws, both story wise and grammatically. 

A little about the story:

Minami Kyuki’s hearts a battle ground of despair. Faced with more difficulties in her life than the normal teen, Minami copes by living one day at a time. But how long before the tragic events of her past haunts her to her death?


Silent Tears Vol1

Chapter 2: Trapped


         MR LANDRY is standing by his desk, pointing at the board, explaining
         a chemistry problem. The class appears to be bored. TYLER
         BUTTLER and MARK STAGGER are anxious, nervous looking. MARK
         fumbles with his pencil. DEREK BEYIT sits at his desk, calm,
         and taking notes from the board. He glares at MARK, who now
         looks intently at the board, staring into the abyss. VENESSA and
         NATALIE DOUMONT look at each other. NATALIE takes a a piece
         of her chemistry notes, writes down a note, then passes it
         on to VENESSA. The note reads: “I saw MINAMI walking to
         school this morning. Where is she?” VENESSA shrugs, then
         leans forward.

                        (Whispering) Come to think of
                        it, I haven’t seen KAYLA here
                        this morning either.

                             MR LANDRY
                   Girls! Passing notes and whispering
                   during my lectures?

         VENESSA and NATALIE both jump, startled by the sudden appearance
         of their teacher.

                   Sorry sir.

         MR LANDRY goes to speak when the bell rings. The twins pick up
         their things and leave the room swiftly.


         Students rush about to get to their next class, while some take
         their time and chat on their cell phones. Others go to their
         lockers, searching for an item they have forgotten. DEREK,
         MARK, and TYLER was seen walking down the hall.

                   DEREK, I think the twins are on to

                   No they are not.

                   Uh huh!

                   Shut up! They’re just noticing there
                   not at school. They don’t have a
                   clue it’s us.


         MR CONNERY is reading the morning newspaper when the phone suddenly
         rings, startling her. MR CONNERY looks at the phone. He
         screws up his face in a scowl.

                             MR CONNERY
                   Darn school again. What the hell do
                   they want now? TRAVIS better not be
                   in trouble again.

         He picks up the phone.

                             MR CONNERY

                             SUGUARMOUNT PRE-RECORDED MESSAGE
                   This is the Vice-Principal of
                   Suguarmount Senior High, MR RODD. I
                   am calling to inform you that your
                   son or daughter has missed

         MRS CONNERY hangs up the phone, looking very unpleased.

                             MRS CONNERY
                   TRAVIS CONNERY when you get home.


         MINAMI is seen lying on the basement floor in the dark, bleeding.
         A dark figure is kneeled over MINAMI, hand outreached.

                             THE FIGURE
                        (Whispers) Hey!

         The figure touches MINAMI. MINAMI winces in pain, then
         slowly opens her eyes.

                   Erg... Wha? <Ow….>

         MINAMI slowly sits up and blinks.

                             THE FIGURE

                   Wha? Who are-?

         The figure hugs MINAMI, then let’s go almost as fast. MINAMI takes
         a look at the figure, who looks well beaten. Before MINAMI
         can realize who it is, the figure speaks again.

                             THE FIGURE
                   They got to you to!

                   KAYLA? Is that you?

         The light shines on the figure, revealing her true identity.

                   Yeah. I’ve been here since after
                   the Talent show. On my way home,
                   these 3 guys came up to me and
                   started throwing rocks at me, then
                   they forced me here. I haven’t been
                   able to sleep a wink.

         As KAYLA speaks, a flash back shows her words.

                   Why? What did we do?

         KAYLA shrugs. MINAMI looks around.

                   What do we do now?

                   Get out. That’s what.

         KAYLA looks to the door.

                   The question is how.

         MINAMI gets up then stumbles towards the door. She takes a good
         look at it then does a powerful back kick. MINAMI falls back
         to the ground, but the door does not budge.

                   The door is barred on the outside
                   you know.

         MINAMI is seen rubbing her foot.

                   Yeah. Thanks for the info. Have you
                   looked around the place? Maybe
                   there’s another exit. (To herself)
                   Like a portal to another world or
                   something cool like that.

                   No. I was too afraid to move. (To
                   herself) You and your portals.

                   Well then, what are we waiting for.

         MINAMI limps past KAYLA and begins to feel around, looking
         for an exit.



                   I found something!

                   I repeat, what?!

                   Hehe. A business card!


                   I can add this to my collection….

         KAYLA rolls her eyes, while MINAMI inspects the card.

                   Spiffy. It’s in Japanese…

                   There’s got to be a way out-

                        (To herself)Hey someone wrote
                        on the back!

                   Here. Maybe if we move some of
                   those crates, (if that’s what they
                   are), we might find a door or

         MINAMI squints, trying to read the writing.

                        (To herself) DEREK….
                        (Mumble) See you soon

         KAYLA turns around to look at MINAMI

                   What now?

                   I…. I know that writing.

                   So? It’s not going to help us get
                   out of here.

                        (To herself) Well, the card is
                        in Japanese, but that’s not
                        important. It’s just a regular
                        business card for some random
                        place. It’s what on the back,
                        written in English that got my

                   Let me see it.

         MINAMI hands over the card to KAYLA. KAYLA takes a good look
         at the card and reads it aloud.

                   DEREK, I am so happy to have meet
                   you. See you soon. Don’t tell,
                   means no lies.

         KAYLA looks up.

                   DEREK… I think I know someone by
                   that name.

                   Well, you do. He’s the guy who
                   brought me here, and by the looks
                   of it, you too. (Narrative
                   Bubble) Where have I seen this
                   writing before?

                   That’s it, we got to get out of

                   Snaps! I know where I’ve seen it!


                   My place, the night of the murder.

         Suddenly, up above, a noise could be heard.

The Original SOUTH - Silent Tears by A.M. Molloy

Hey ya’ll! Ever want a good laugh at a horribly \ written story ‘cause you’re bored and have nothing better to do? Look no more! I’ve decided to share the first (and only) volume of Silent Tears here on my blog for your entertainment. 

The story was poorly planned and there wasn’t much character development. It was also written to be a comic script yet made in the style of a film script. 

Just look at how much this story changed since 2008. (It started in a high school and not college).

A little about the story:

Minami Kyuki’s hearts a battle ground of despair. Faced with more difficulties in her life than the normal teen, Minami copes by living one day at a time. But how long before the tragic events of her past haunts her to her death?


Also, as an added bonus, Silent Tears has a prologue and I made an animatic for it back in college.  Not only has my writing and storytelling improved, but so has my art. This is so bad I have to share:

(Just know my Japanese sucked back in 2009. It's soooo much better now). 


Side note, here is what I had in mind for the cover for the first volume. On the left was the original cover and on the right was the "special edition" version. Not sure what was going to be in the special edition besides a new cover but enjoy all the same!~ (Art by yours truly). 

Silent Tears Cover
Silent Tears Cover 2

Chapter 1: The Unwanted Gift




         The sun is setting, showing a wonderful array of colors. Random
         teens call their parents to come pick them up. MINAMI KYUKI,
         KAYLA CONNERY, VENESSA and NATALIE DOUMONT are leaving the
         school, all laughing and talking about their night. A banner
         is held on top of the entrance saying: ‘Sugarmount Senior
         High Talent Show!’

                             MINAMI KYUKI
                        (Narrative Bubble) How long
                        has it been?

                   Man! That competition was brutal
                   this year!

                             VANESSA DOUMONT
                   I’ll say. (To herself) And all they
                   got was a lame gift certificate.

                             NATALIE DOUMONT
                   It’s a good thing that magician
                   didn’t win. (To herself) I totally
                   saw that egg in his hand!

         MINAMI smiles and laughs at her friends as they walk down
         the steps.

                        (Narrative Bubble)That’s
                        right. Four years now. Four years
                        since my family was brutally

                   Hey, I got to jet. My parental
                   units are expecting me home after
                   the show. Plus, I got to something
                   to do.

                             KAYLA CONNERY

         CU Minami

                   My name is MINAMI 'SOUTH’ KYUKI.
                   When I was only 12 years old, a
                   masked man came into my home and
                   took the lives of my entire family, making
                   me an orphan.


         An aerial view of Campbellton.

                        (Narrative Bubble) Today was a
                        special day for me. It wasn’t
                        just the day of my school’s
                        talent show.


         MINAMI enters her house. ANGIE, the family dog, greets her with
         a lick and a bark. Two cats lay curled up on the couch where
         LYNN sits. DENNIS sits in his rocking chair, next to the

                   I’m home!

                        (Narrative Bubble) No, it was
                        more than that.

                   Welcome home MINA!

                   How was it?

                   Awesome! Say, I’m going to take a
                   shower, k?

                   O.K. Don’t take too long.

         MINAMI is seen walking up the stairs, waving her hand, not looking

                   Of course! (Narrative Bubble) Today
                   was the anniversary of my parents


         MINAMI turns on the tap. MINAMI’s arms are forward on the wall,
         supporting her weight, her head hung low, looking defeated.
         CU of MINAMI’s face. Her eyes stare blankly at the floor.

                        (Narrative Bubble) No one
                        knows who the murderer was, but
                        he was said to have committed
                        suicide in the fire he


         MINAMI is seen dressed, drying her hair with a towel. A
         large array of martial art trophies decorates her room. Several
         swords hang from the wall and some drawings that MINAMI
         herself had done were on the wall as well, by her desk.

                        (Narrative Bubble) But I know
                        the truth. I saw his face.

         A flash back of when MINAMI used the scissors to cut the
         man’s mask, showing a bit of his face. Flash back end. MINAMI
         goes to a box by her bed and as she slowly picks it it, she
         sits down on her bed. She opens it up slowly. Inside the box
         contains a burnt nail, a burnt part of a newspaper, and a crumpled
         picture with water marks showing tears have fallen on it.
         MINAMI picks up each object one by one then she places them
         carefully on her bed. The last one she picks up is the
         crumpled picture. The picture shows a younger version of
         MINAMI with her birth parents. A tear runs down her face.

                   I’m going to find him mom, dad. I
                   know he got out alive. I just know
                   it! And I’ll let the world know of
                   it too, just you watch.

         MINAMI touches the picture softly as she speaks. She then places
         the picture on her bed with the other objects, then looks up
         at the ceiling, staring at nothing.

                        (Sigh) I want to see you so
                        bad. I know I have it good here
                        now, but I miss my friends, my
                        home back in Kobe. Oh mom,
                        dad. It hurts so bad….

         MINAMI looks longingly at one of her sharpest blades. She closes
         her eye’s and leans back.

                   <May you find peace.> I know I wont
                   until he pays….


         Next morning. MINAMI is seen running to school.

                   Snaps! I’m going to be late! Sleep
                   through that darn alarm again!

         3 figures emerge from the shadows as MINAMI runs by. DEREK
         BEYIT smiles sinisterly. MARK STAGGER and TYLER BUTTLER

                             DEREK BEYIT
                   Hey! You!

                             MARK STAGGER
                   Japanese chick!

         MINAMI stops in her tracks, nearly falls over, and


         MINAMI turns to leave, but TYLER BUTTER reaches into his bag and
         pulls out and egg, then throws it at her. The egg hit’s
         MINAMI in the back of the head. MINAMI turns around, arms in
         the air in disgust.

                   My name is DEREK. This is TYLER and

                             TYLER BUTTLER
                   And we got a problem

                   You darn right we do. What the hell
                   was that for? (To herself) Jerks.
                   (Narrative Bubble) Something isn’t
                   right here….

                   MARK here tells me it’s your
                   birthday this Thursday. How old you
                   going to be? 17?

                   <Screw you> I’m off.

         She turns to leave.

                   Well, since were nice guys, we got
                   you a birthday present.

                   Something from the heart.

         MARK smiles as he speaks. MINAMI answers, her back facing
         the teenage boys.

                   Don’t care.

         DEREK looks at MARK and TYLER. They all pick up eggs from their
         backpacks and throw them at MINAMI. MINAMI stumbles.

                   We’re still talking to you stupid

         DEREK picks up a rock, tosses it in the air then throws it
         at MINAMI.

                   Happy Birthday! (Laughs)

         MARK and TYLER both do the same as DEREK.

                   And this is forever coming into
                   OUR country!

         TYLER throws his rock, hitting MINAMI in the arm.

                   And this is for being alive!

         The rock hits her in the chest.

                        (Narrative Bubble)What’s
                        happening to me? Why are they hitting
                        me this way?

         The boys continue to throw rocks at her. MINAMI goes to kick them,
         but a rock hits her on the head, knocking her down. MARK
         then picks up a glass bottle from the ground then hits
         MINAMI with it over the head, sending her to the ground.
         MINAMI stops moving and doesn’t get up.

                   What the heck did you do that for?
                   We agreed just to play around with
                   her a bit! Not to kill her!

                   I don’t think she’s dead.

                   Well what do we do with her?

         DEREK smiles.

                   Same as the last boys.

         CU of MARK and TYLER, looking confused.


         MINAMI is seen lying on the basement floor in the dark, bleeding.
         DEREK, MARK, and TYLER are talking outside the door.

                        (Muffled) She’ll be fine.
                        Let’s hurry before were late for
                        MR LANDRYS class again.

         A figure, shrouded in darkness, slowly advances towards MINAMI.
         The figure goes to reach MINAMI.
