The Original SOUTH - Silent Tears / by A.M. Molloy

Hey ya’ll! Ever want a good laugh at a horribly \ written story ‘cause you’re bored and have nothing better to do? Look no more! I’ve decided to share the first (and only) volume of Silent Tears here on my blog for your entertainment. 

The story was poorly planned and there wasn’t much character development. It was also written to be a comic script yet made in the style of a film script. 

Just look at how much this story changed since 2008. (It started in a high school and not college).

A little about the story:

Minami Kyuki’s hearts a battle ground of despair. Faced with more difficulties in her life than the normal teen, Minami copes by living one day at a time. But how long before the tragic events of her past haunts her to her death?


Also, as an added bonus, Silent Tears has a prologue and I made an animatic for it back in college.  Not only has my writing and storytelling improved, but so has my art. This is so bad I have to share:

(Just know my Japanese sucked back in 2009. It's soooo much better now). 


Side note, here is what I had in mind for the cover for the first volume. On the left was the original cover and on the right was the "special edition" version. Not sure what was going to be in the special edition besides a new cover but enjoy all the same!~ (Art by yours truly). 

Silent Tears Cover
Silent Tears Cover 2

Chapter 1: The Unwanted Gift




         The sun is setting, showing a wonderful array of colors. Random
         teens call their parents to come pick them up. MINAMI KYUKI,
         KAYLA CONNERY, VENESSA and NATALIE DOUMONT are leaving the
         school, all laughing and talking about their night. A banner
         is held on top of the entrance saying: ‘Sugarmount Senior
         High Talent Show!’

                             MINAMI KYUKI
                        (Narrative Bubble) How long
                        has it been?

                   Man! That competition was brutal
                   this year!

                             VANESSA DOUMONT
                   I’ll say. (To herself) And all they
                   got was a lame gift certificate.

                             NATALIE DOUMONT
                   It’s a good thing that magician
                   didn’t win. (To herself) I totally
                   saw that egg in his hand!

         MINAMI smiles and laughs at her friends as they walk down
         the steps.

                        (Narrative Bubble)That’s
                        right. Four years now. Four years
                        since my family was brutally

                   Hey, I got to jet. My parental
                   units are expecting me home after
                   the show. Plus, I got to something
                   to do.

                             KAYLA CONNERY

         CU Minami

                   My name is MINAMI 'SOUTH’ KYUKI.
                   When I was only 12 years old, a
                   masked man came into my home and
                   took the lives of my entire family, making
                   me an orphan.


         An aerial view of Campbellton.

                        (Narrative Bubble) Today was a
                        special day for me. It wasn’t
                        just the day of my school’s
                        talent show.


         MINAMI enters her house. ANGIE, the family dog, greets her with
         a lick and a bark. Two cats lay curled up on the couch where
         LYNN sits. DENNIS sits in his rocking chair, next to the

                   I’m home!

                        (Narrative Bubble) No, it was
                        more than that.

                   Welcome home MINA!

                   How was it?

                   Awesome! Say, I’m going to take a
                   shower, k?

                   O.K. Don’t take too long.

         MINAMI is seen walking up the stairs, waving her hand, not looking

                   Of course! (Narrative Bubble) Today
                   was the anniversary of my parents


         MINAMI turns on the tap. MINAMI’s arms are forward on the wall,
         supporting her weight, her head hung low, looking defeated.
         CU of MINAMI’s face. Her eyes stare blankly at the floor.

                        (Narrative Bubble) No one
                        knows who the murderer was, but
                        he was said to have committed
                        suicide in the fire he


         MINAMI is seen dressed, drying her hair with a towel. A
         large array of martial art trophies decorates her room. Several
         swords hang from the wall and some drawings that MINAMI
         herself had done were on the wall as well, by her desk.

                        (Narrative Bubble) But I know
                        the truth. I saw his face.

         A flash back of when MINAMI used the scissors to cut the
         man’s mask, showing a bit of his face. Flash back end. MINAMI
         goes to a box by her bed and as she slowly picks it it, she
         sits down on her bed. She opens it up slowly. Inside the box
         contains a burnt nail, a burnt part of a newspaper, and a crumpled
         picture with water marks showing tears have fallen on it.
         MINAMI picks up each object one by one then she places them
         carefully on her bed. The last one she picks up is the
         crumpled picture. The picture shows a younger version of
         MINAMI with her birth parents. A tear runs down her face.

                   I’m going to find him mom, dad. I
                   know he got out alive. I just know
                   it! And I’ll let the world know of
                   it too, just you watch.

         MINAMI touches the picture softly as she speaks. She then places
         the picture on her bed with the other objects, then looks up
         at the ceiling, staring at nothing.

                        (Sigh) I want to see you so
                        bad. I know I have it good here
                        now, but I miss my friends, my
                        home back in Kobe. Oh mom,
                        dad. It hurts so bad….

         MINAMI looks longingly at one of her sharpest blades. She closes
         her eye’s and leans back.

                   <May you find peace.> I know I wont
                   until he pays….


         Next morning. MINAMI is seen running to school.

                   Snaps! I’m going to be late! Sleep
                   through that darn alarm again!

         3 figures emerge from the shadows as MINAMI runs by. DEREK
         BEYIT smiles sinisterly. MARK STAGGER and TYLER BUTTLER

                             DEREK BEYIT
                   Hey! You!

                             MARK STAGGER
                   Japanese chick!

         MINAMI stops in her tracks, nearly falls over, and


         MINAMI turns to leave, but TYLER BUTTER reaches into his bag and
         pulls out and egg, then throws it at her. The egg hit’s
         MINAMI in the back of the head. MINAMI turns around, arms in
         the air in disgust.

                   My name is DEREK. This is TYLER and

                             TYLER BUTTLER
                   And we got a problem

                   You darn right we do. What the hell
                   was that for? (To herself) Jerks.
                   (Narrative Bubble) Something isn’t
                   right here….

                   MARK here tells me it’s your
                   birthday this Thursday. How old you
                   going to be? 17?

                   <Screw you> I’m off.

         She turns to leave.

                   Well, since were nice guys, we got
                   you a birthday present.

                   Something from the heart.

         MARK smiles as he speaks. MINAMI answers, her back facing
         the teenage boys.

                   Don’t care.

         DEREK looks at MARK and TYLER. They all pick up eggs from their
         backpacks and throw them at MINAMI. MINAMI stumbles.

                   We’re still talking to you stupid

         DEREK picks up a rock, tosses it in the air then throws it
         at MINAMI.

                   Happy Birthday! (Laughs)

         MARK and TYLER both do the same as DEREK.

                   And this is forever coming into
                   OUR country!

         TYLER throws his rock, hitting MINAMI in the arm.

                   And this is for being alive!

         The rock hits her in the chest.

                        (Narrative Bubble)What’s
                        happening to me? Why are they hitting
                        me this way?

         The boys continue to throw rocks at her. MINAMI goes to kick them,
         but a rock hits her on the head, knocking her down. MARK
         then picks up a glass bottle from the ground then hits
         MINAMI with it over the head, sending her to the ground.
         MINAMI stops moving and doesn’t get up.

                   What the heck did you do that for?
                   We agreed just to play around with
                   her a bit! Not to kill her!

                   I don’t think she’s dead.

                   Well what do we do with her?

         DEREK smiles.

                   Same as the last boys.

         CU of MARK and TYLER, looking confused.


         MINAMI is seen lying on the basement floor in the dark, bleeding.
         DEREK, MARK, and TYLER are talking outside the door.

                        (Muffled) She’ll be fine.
                        Let’s hurry before were late for
                        MR LANDRYS class again.

         A figure, shrouded in darkness, slowly advances towards MINAMI.
         The figure goes to reach MINAMI.


Source: silent-tears1