The Original SOUTH: Silent Tears ch 2 / by A.M. Molloy

Continuing on with the original story of SOUTHSilent Tears, here is chapter 2. I love looking back at old stuff and seeing how far I’ve come. This stuff is golden. 

Also, I’ve left the story unedited, so you can see all its flaws, both story wise and grammatically. 

A little about the story:

Minami Kyuki’s hearts a battle ground of despair. Faced with more difficulties in her life than the normal teen, Minami copes by living one day at a time. But how long before the tragic events of her past haunts her to her death?


Silent Tears Vol1

Chapter 2: Trapped


         MR LANDRY is standing by his desk, pointing at the board, explaining
         a chemistry problem. The class appears to be bored. TYLER
         BUTTLER and MARK STAGGER are anxious, nervous looking. MARK
         fumbles with his pencil. DEREK BEYIT sits at his desk, calm,
         and taking notes from the board. He glares at MARK, who now
         looks intently at the board, staring into the abyss. VENESSA and
         NATALIE DOUMONT look at each other. NATALIE takes a a piece
         of her chemistry notes, writes down a note, then passes it
         on to VENESSA. The note reads: “I saw MINAMI walking to
         school this morning. Where is she?” VENESSA shrugs, then
         leans forward.

                        (Whispering) Come to think of
                        it, I haven’t seen KAYLA here
                        this morning either.

                             MR LANDRY
                   Girls! Passing notes and whispering
                   during my lectures?

         VENESSA and NATALIE both jump, startled by the sudden appearance
         of their teacher.

                   Sorry sir.

         MR LANDRY goes to speak when the bell rings. The twins pick up
         their things and leave the room swiftly.


         Students rush about to get to their next class, while some take
         their time and chat on their cell phones. Others go to their
         lockers, searching for an item they have forgotten. DEREK,
         MARK, and TYLER was seen walking down the hall.

                   DEREK, I think the twins are on to

                   No they are not.

                   Uh huh!

                   Shut up! They’re just noticing there
                   not at school. They don’t have a
                   clue it’s us.


         MR CONNERY is reading the morning newspaper when the phone suddenly
         rings, startling her. MR CONNERY looks at the phone. He
         screws up his face in a scowl.

                             MR CONNERY
                   Darn school again. What the hell do
                   they want now? TRAVIS better not be
                   in trouble again.

         He picks up the phone.

                             MR CONNERY

                             SUGUARMOUNT PRE-RECORDED MESSAGE
                   This is the Vice-Principal of
                   Suguarmount Senior High, MR RODD. I
                   am calling to inform you that your
                   son or daughter has missed

         MRS CONNERY hangs up the phone, looking very unpleased.

                             MRS CONNERY
                   TRAVIS CONNERY when you get home.


         MINAMI is seen lying on the basement floor in the dark, bleeding.
         A dark figure is kneeled over MINAMI, hand outreached.

                             THE FIGURE
                        (Whispers) Hey!

         The figure touches MINAMI. MINAMI winces in pain, then
         slowly opens her eyes.

                   Erg... Wha? <Ow….>

         MINAMI slowly sits up and blinks.

                             THE FIGURE

                   Wha? Who are-?

         The figure hugs MINAMI, then let’s go almost as fast. MINAMI takes
         a look at the figure, who looks well beaten. Before MINAMI
         can realize who it is, the figure speaks again.

                             THE FIGURE
                   They got to you to!

                   KAYLA? Is that you?

         The light shines on the figure, revealing her true identity.

                   Yeah. I’ve been here since after
                   the Talent show. On my way home,
                   these 3 guys came up to me and
                   started throwing rocks at me, then
                   they forced me here. I haven’t been
                   able to sleep a wink.

         As KAYLA speaks, a flash back shows her words.

                   Why? What did we do?

         KAYLA shrugs. MINAMI looks around.

                   What do we do now?

                   Get out. That’s what.

         KAYLA looks to the door.

                   The question is how.

         MINAMI gets up then stumbles towards the door. She takes a good
         look at it then does a powerful back kick. MINAMI falls back
         to the ground, but the door does not budge.

                   The door is barred on the outside
                   you know.

         MINAMI is seen rubbing her foot.

                   Yeah. Thanks for the info. Have you
                   looked around the place? Maybe
                   there’s another exit. (To herself)
                   Like a portal to another world or
                   something cool like that.

                   No. I was too afraid to move. (To
                   herself) You and your portals.

                   Well then, what are we waiting for.

         MINAMI limps past KAYLA and begins to feel around, looking
         for an exit.



                   I found something!

                   I repeat, what?!

                   Hehe. A business card!


                   I can add this to my collection….

         KAYLA rolls her eyes, while MINAMI inspects the card.

                   Spiffy. It’s in Japanese…

                   There’s got to be a way out-

                        (To herself)Hey someone wrote
                        on the back!

                   Here. Maybe if we move some of
                   those crates, (if that’s what they
                   are), we might find a door or

         MINAMI squints, trying to read the writing.

                        (To herself) DEREK….
                        (Mumble) See you soon

         KAYLA turns around to look at MINAMI

                   What now?

                   I…. I know that writing.

                   So? It’s not going to help us get
                   out of here.

                        (To herself) Well, the card is
                        in Japanese, but that’s not
                        important. It’s just a regular
                        business card for some random
                        place. It’s what on the back,
                        written in English that got my

                   Let me see it.

         MINAMI hands over the card to KAYLA. KAYLA takes a good look
         at the card and reads it aloud.

                   DEREK, I am so happy to have meet
                   you. See you soon. Don’t tell,
                   means no lies.

         KAYLA looks up.

                   DEREK… I think I know someone by
                   that name.

                   Well, you do. He’s the guy who
                   brought me here, and by the looks
                   of it, you too. (Narrative
                   Bubble) Where have I seen this
                   writing before?

                   That’s it, we got to get out of

                   Snaps! I know where I’ve seen it!


                   My place, the night of the murder.

         Suddenly, up above, a noise could be heard.

Source: Silent-Tears2