The Original SOUTH: Silent Tears ch 6 / by A.M. Molloy

Okay, so screw chapter 5. This one might be the worst chapter of Silent Tears yet. The dialogue! It’s cringe worthy. Still, I hope you’ve been enjoying the origin story of SOUTH.

Also, same as usual. Nothing has been edited so expect grammar and story issues. I'm so glad I've improved in my writing. 


A little about the story:

Minami Kyuki’s hearts a battle ground of despair. Faced with more difficulties in her life than the normal teen, Minami copes by living one day at a time. But how long before the tragic events of her past haunts her to her death?


Silent Tears Vol1

Chapter 6: Crimson Regret


         It’s a slow night, there are only a few cops on duty. One of
         the cops is doing paper work, trying to suppress his tired
         yawns. Another is standing by the window, looking blankly in
         to the distance outside. Two others are talking amongst
         themselves in the corner of the room over coffee. The phone
         rings. The officer by the window gives a start, then
         regaining his posture, turns his gaze towards the phone. He
         answers the phone.

                             OFFICER TOMAS
                   Hello? … Yes, right away.

         He turns around to the other men.

                             OFFICER TOMAS
                   Alright men, we got a few missing
                   persons out there. BRENT and
                   TREVOR, suit up, were heading out.
                   TIM, notify the others, were
                   looking for 2 Asians & a set of
                   twins, all female. Let’s go!

         BRENT looks over to TIM & whispers.

                   Finally, some action.



         MARK STAGGER sits in the corner, inhaling the white pain
         coming from his shoulder. He looks at KAYLA, who’s eyes were
         fixed on her friend lying on the floor. He turns his deep
         hazel eyes on the twins, VENNESSA and NATALIE. He places his
         hand on his injured shoulder, then looks at it, his hand now
         stained in his own blood. DEREK is still pacing the room,
         looking in the brink of insanity. He keeps rubbing his hand
         though his hair, mumbling strange words to himself, every
         now and then turning his gun towards the crowd he has
         captured in the room. MARK decides to risk talking to DEREK.

                   What do you plan on doing DEREK?
                   You can’t keep us all here forever.

         DEREK, startled, points the gun at MARK.

                   Quite MARK. You still never told me
                   what you were doing here in the
                   first place, with ought me.

                   I came to my senses. So, I decided
                   to free them before they were hurt.
                   Too late for that I guess.

         DEREK takes in a deep breath, looking up. He turns his gaze
         towards MARK, his back hunched over, his gun still still
         pointing at his once friend.

                   You tried to free them? Well how’s
                   that working out for you.

         DEREK puts one hand on his head, rubs it through his hair.

                   Now because of you look what
                   happened. Two innocents are stuck

         MARK speaks, but mainly to himself.

                   Hey, it wasn’t my idea to bring
                   them here in the first place.

         DEREK walks swiftly towards MARK, a crazed look in his eyes,
         the points the gun MARKS face; the twins and KAYLA scream.

                   What did you say?

         MARK cowers in the corner, his arms raised over his head.

                   N-nothing man! I was just following
                   what you told me to do, leave me
                   out of this!

         DEREK turns around then screams.

                   Aw man I’m in a s*** load of
                   trouble aren’t I.

                   No s***.

         NATALIE, still in her own world, speaks, but so low its
         almost as if she speaks to no one.

                   What do you want from us?

         DEREK points the gun at NATALIE. Her sister, shakes with
         fear for her sibling.

                   Please…. Please, oh God almighty,
                   please. I don’t…. Please….

         NATALIES eyes are no longer filled with fear. Her mind seems
         to be in a state of shock and confusion.

                   I didn’t want you, no, not you two
                   to be hurt. MARK either, but
                   now…. I had no choice. No choice.
                   Just you two!

         DEREK looks at MINAMI and KAYLA.

                   You’re the ones this world is better
                   off with!

         MINAMI sturs on the floor. KAYLA inches towards the girl.

                   Mi.. na…mi?

         MINAMI, with eyes still closed, speaks softly.

                   How many drops of blood will it
                   take for you?


         MINAMI slowly gets up.


                             THE TWINS

                   She’s alive. F****** good s***.

         MINAMI slowly sits up, KAYLA moves forward to aid her.
         MINAMI then raises her hand to her head, wincing in pain.
         She looks at DEREK.

                   How many?

                   What you talking about b****?

         Spit flys from his mouth. Tears are now running down his
         eyes, his lips becoming wet from his own saliva running out
         of his mouth; his body, shaking in what seems to be fear.

                   How many others have you hurt? 1?
                   2? 10? How many? I know we
                   certainly werent the first. I get

                   NO YOU DON’T!

         MINAMI slowly stands up, staggering.

                   Yes. I do. Ive had my family ripped
                   away from me too. I feel your
                   anger, your pain.

         DEREK bends over, both hands to his head, screaming as loud
         as he can.

                   SHUT UP!

         He cocks his gun and goes to shoot MINAMI. MARK gets up.



         Gun shots can be heard, birds flutter in the distance.


         The three officers look at each other as they hear gun shots
         in the distance. They pull over their car on the side of the

                   What was that?

                   Gun shots.

         TIM raises his gun and looks at his boss as to what to do

                   Let’s go.

         The men climb out of the car and head into the bushes, guns
         raised. TOMAS reaches for his walkie talkie.

                   This is officer TOMAS, we need back
                   up on that old road. Two gun shots
                   were fired. I repeat, back up…

         TIM, slightly ahead of his two coworkers, pushes through
         the bushes. He stops in his tracks.

                   Boss? Check this out.

         TOMAS walks past the bushes, BRENT following him.

                   Let’s check it out.


         The three cops enter silently and switly, guns ready to
         shoot. Muffled noises can be hear from the room below.
         Whispering, TIM speaks.

                   Should we wait for back up?

                   No. I don’t want to risk it. You
                   stay here, let them know where we
                   are. BRENT and I will go check it

         TIM, shivering slightly from the still ringing sounds of gun
         shots, nods. His partners leave him behind, alone, shivering
         in the darkness.

Source: silent-tears6