The Original SOUTH: Silent Tears ch 5 / by A.M. Molloy

Hey guys. Have you been enjoying Silent Tears? Well, this might be the worst chapter of Silent Tears yet. Hope you enjoy the origin story of SOUTH.

Once more, nothing has been edited or altered. Therefore plenty of grammar and story issues abound. 


A little about the story:

Minami Kyuki’s hearts a battle ground of despair. Faced with more difficulties in her life than the normal teen, Minami copes by living one day at a time. But how long before the tragic events of her past haunts her to her death?


Silent Tears Vol1

Chapter 5: Minami Kyuki


         Black with writing on it.

                   How come no one ever thinks about
                   the moon rise? Is it not
                   significant enough?

         MINAMI KYUKIs body is lying unconcious on the ground of the
         abandoned house, the body of the dead boy near her side. The
         twins, NATALIE and VENNESA DOUMONT, cower next to MARK
         STAGGER, fear in their eyes.

                   C'mon DEREK, it’s been hours. Let
                   us go, we won’t tell.

         KAYLA nods. DEREK ignores them. NATALIE points to MINAMI’s

                   Is she… dead?

                   No, just unconscious. DEREK fired a
                   shot but missed her. So, in anger,
                   he hit her in the head instead….
                   but….  he is….

         She points to the dead body of the young boy. The twins
         gasp. Out of fear they shut them self’s up from the world.
         CU of MINAMI.


         Shot of the twins.

                   (Narrative)The twins too!

         A back shot of KAYLA as she looks at DEREK, who is is pacing
         the room, unsure of what to do. KAYLA begins to cry silent

                   (Narrative)No…. This can’t be
                   happening. Not now. Too fast….
                   It’s all happening too fast. I
                   couldn’t… couldn’t…

         CU of KAYALAs eyes, as tears poor down her smooth face.

                   I can’t move. I can’t… can’t go
                   to my friend to help her! My best

         FLASH BACK of earlier days. Different shots of MINAMI and
         KAYLA hanging out together, some with the twins. MINAMI is
         seen making funny faces to her friends, making them laugh.
         MINAMI is showing KAYLA how to do some martial art moves.
         KAYLA is sick and MINAMI is helping nursing her friend back
         to health. CU of the unconscious MINAMI.

                   (Narrative) Why does this kind of
                   stuff always happen to you?

         FLASH BACK.


         MINAMI, KAYLA and the twins are sitting on the steps out
         side their school during lunch hour. The sun shining
         brightly upon the horizon.

                   Hey guys?


                   How come everyone always says
                   "sunrise" and “sunset” and nobody
                   ever thinks about the moonrise?

                   What are you talking about?

                   MINAMI’s being weird again.

                   But the sun is still out, why
                   mention the moon?

         MINAMI turns to face her friends.

                   My dad always used to tell me that
                   the moon rises to give people light
                   at night when they are lonely.

         NATALIE looks at MINAMI and then to the sky. KAYLA looks as
         though she is suppressing a giggle.

                   My family is there, to raise the
                   moon. Just for me. They always know
                   how to make me happy.

         KAYLA, letting out a bit of laughter.

                   OK, where does this come from?

                   I think its deep and kind of sad.

         NATALIE looks back at MINAMI.

                   Hey, you’ll always have us!

                   Hey c'mon, we got a little bit of
                   time before the bell rings for next
                   class, let’s go race to the
                   baseball field!

                             NATALIE AND MINAMI


         The three friends get up and begin to run towards the field.
         CU of MINAMI

                   (Narrative) You were always there
                   for me.


         Shot of the unconscious MINAMI lying on the cold floor.

                   (Narrative) Where was I when you
                   needed me?


         KAYLA suddenly stops, her hand clutching to her chest in

                   Ahhk… Aack… gu gu…

         MINAMI, a big smile on her face, notices something is wrong
         and turns around, her smile fading. The twins hear the
         sudden change of movement and turn around.



         KAYLA is on her knees, gasping for air.

                   Haaaa… Gaa…. *gasp*

                   She’s having an asthma attack!

         She turns around frantically, looking for help.

                   Someone help her!

                   What do we do?

         MINAMI rushes towards her friend. She begins to frantically
         dig in KAYLA’s backpack. She takes out an inhaler.

                   Got it!

         She turns to the twins.

                   Call 911 or a teacher or something!

         She turns her gaze towards the gasping KAYLA.


         She gives KAYLA the inhaler. KAYLA begins to calm down. She
         begins to fall in MINAMI’s arms. Teachers can be heard in
         the distance, yelling for space. Shot of KAYLA and MINAMI.

                   (Narrative) You were always there
                   for me….


         KAYLA is see crouching, her arms wrapped around her legs,
         trying to form a ball.


         LYNN, DENNIS, ROSA and DANIEL CONNERY are sitting in the
         living room. ROSA is pacing, her husband DANIEL, watching

                   It’s 10:00, where they hell are

         The phone rings.

                   We should call the police.

         LYNN picks up the phone.


         She talks for a minuet, then hangs up the phone.

                   That was the twins mother. She said
                   they left for choir practice and
                   never came back.

                   That’s it, we call the police.

         She grabs the phone from LYNN’s hands and starts to dial.

         FADE TO BLACK

                   The time has stopped into a

Source: silent-tears5