Mature Content

The Original SOUTH: Silent Tears ch 4 by A.M. Molloy

A new day, a ‘new’ installment, chapter 4, of the original story Silent Tears, before it became SOUTH. I warn you, this story is so bad, (and short), that it’s funny. This one here is real gold in the way of bad writing. 

(Seriously, where did I come up with this stuff?)

Unedited, which means grammar and story flaws are plentiful. 

A little about the story:

Minami Kyuki’s hearts a battle ground of despair. Faced with more difficulties in her life than the normal teen, Minami copes by living one day at a time. But how long before the tragic events of her past haunts her to her death?


Silent Tears Vol1

Chapter 4: Hostages


                             MARK STAGGER
                   You can’t harm them all! There’s
                   too many of them!

         DEREK reaches for something in his pocket, tightening his grip
         on the boy, who stands silent in fear.

                             DEREK BEIYIT
                   Maybe not all, but I got to start

         DEREK swiftly pulls out a gun, then shoots the boy in the head,
         killing him instantly. MINAMI, KAYLA, and MARK stand back in
         shock and fear. KAYLA falls to the ground, sobbing,
         shrieking. MARK slowly moves away from DEREK, muttering
         words only he can hear. MINAMI’s eyes widen, her hands begin
         to shakes, clenching into a tight fist.

         FLASH BACK of the murderer of her family, the gun in his hands
         as he shots MINAMI’s parents. END FLASHBACK.

         DEREK points the gun at KAYLA and MINAMI. KAYLA screams as MARK
         falls to the ground, tears pouring out of his dark brown

                   No…. no…. (screams) NO!

                   Shut up b**** or your next.

         He points the gun at her.

                   I’ve had enough of Asians! There
                   good for nothing low life’s, who
                   take away all that is good in this

         MINAMI tilts her head, an insane look in her eyes. She is
         not herself.

                   Your no better than him.

         MINAMI slowly moves towards DEREK, her left hand moving towards
         the chain attached to her pants.

                   KAYLA, do you know why I always
                   have this chain with me?

                   What the hell? Are you crazy? He’s
                   got a bloody gun!

         DEREK points the gun towards KAYLA.

                   Shut the hell up!

         KAYLA shrieks, cowering in the corner.

                   No. It’s not a fashion statement.

         She undoes the chain from her pants.

                   It’s so I can hurt people like YOU!

         She lunges towards DEREK, rage in her eyes. DEREK shoots, misses.
         He fires again, missing MINAMI but grazing MARK on the
         shoulder. MARK screams in pain. MINAMI reaches DEREK, puts
         the chain around his neck and pulls with all her might.
         DEREK chokes.

                   Who’s better now? I wasn’t able to
                   stop you then, but now

                   Wha… cough… talkin ‘bout?

         She pulls harder. DEREKS eyes begin to roll back.

                   MINAMI NO!

         MINAMI looks up, her eyes change, revealing fear. She drops the
         chain. DEREK holds his neck, recovers, then points the gun
         at MINAMI. She falls to her knees.

                   Not again. Please, not again.

                   I was right. You’re all insane! You
                   wanna know why I dislike your
                   'kind?’ I was 14.

         He holds the gun shakenly at MINAMI.

                   Things were great. Then we went for
                   that trip in Japan.

         FLASH BACK as he talks.

                   Me and my mom were having a great
                   time, but we got lost. Then this
                   man with a scar on his left check
                   came up to us. We ask him where we
                   were, then he took out a gun.

                             DEREK’S MOM
                   Please! Don’t harm my son!

         The man grabs YOUNG DEREK by his hair, throws him aside.
         YOUNG DEREK’s mom screams. The man shoots both her legs.
         YOUNG DEREK runs to hide behind a garbage can as the man
         deals the final bow to his mother. END FLASH BACK. DEREKS
         eyes tear up.

                   He KILLED her! I saw her murdered.
                   The cops didn’t even do anything. 
                   He, and all the rest of the Asian
                   world will pay!

         He begins to point the gun at everyone, as if not sure who
         to shoot first. MARK is still in the corner, in pain.

         MINAMI gets up, clearly angered by DEREK’S story. She points
         to the scar on her face.

                   See this scar? See it? This is a
                   constant reminder of what I’ve
                   seen. I would count myself lucky if
                   I were you, considering that’s all
                   YOU seen. I witnessed BOTH of my
                   parents die, along with the rest of
                   my family too. So one of your
                   parents is dead. Big deal. Grow up!

         DEREK grabs MINAMI by the shoulders, pushes her against the
         wall and points the gun to her head.

                   SHURT UP! What do you know, your
                   just as bad as him! You bloody
                   tried to kill me!

                   I tried to kill you? You tried to
                   kill US! You’re the one with the gun!

         DEREK cocks the gun, anger in his eyes, then points it at


                   DEREK NO!

         Shot of outside the old house as a gunshot is heard.


         VENESSA and NATALIE DOUMONT are seen leaving their house.

                   We’ll be back in an hour or so.

                   We just got choir practice.

         They close the door.

                   I wonder if MINAMI and KAYLA will
                   be there, they weren’t in school.

                   It’s choir. You know how much
                   MINAMI likes to sing. If she’s not
                   there, then something is wrong.

                   Haha yeah. True too.

         DENNIS comes into the scene while the twins are walking.

                   Allo les filles. Did you see

                   No, she wasn’t at school, why?

                   She hasn’t come home yet.

         The twins look at each other.

                   We’ll let you know if we see her.


         VENESSA and NATALIE are seen walking in the woods.

                   I can’t believe you talked me into
                   this. What was I thinking? Skipping
                   choir to go look for them.

                   Come on NAT, this is our friends
                   we’re talking about, we should be
                   looking for them.

         NATALIE stops.

                   Shouldn’t we have told mom at
                   least? Or call the cops. Yeah, it’s
                   their jobs to do this kind of

         VENESSA turns around to face her sister.

                   Yeah, we should, but who knows
                   MINAMI and KAYLA better than us?

                        (to herself) Their parent’s

         A gunshot is heard in the distance, both twins twirl around
         to the direction of the noise.

                             NATALIE AND VENESSA
                   What was that?

                   That was close by.

                   And we should be farther away then.

                   What if they’re in danger?

                   All the more reason to call the

         VENESSA grabs NATALIE and drags her to where they heard a
         gunshot. Passing a couple of threes, they take a left turn
         and an old house is reveled. The place doesn’t look sturdy,
         but it stands tall and proud in the moon light.

                   We’re not going in THERE are we?
                   Exploring things is MINAMI’s job,
                   not ours.

                   Which would be a perfect place to
                   go check if she is there….

         She looks at NATALIE.

                   You go first.

                   What? Are you crazy?


         VENESSA craws slowly towards the old building, NATALIE
         follows, hesitantly.


         There are muffled voices coming from the floor below.

                   Look VENESSA, someone was here!

         VENESSA and NATALIE find a door, slightly ajar. They creep
         down the stairs. They reach the bottom to find MINAMI lying
         on the floor, KAYLA screaming, a boy in the corner, another
         on the floor, blood from his head, and another boy with a
         gun. KAYLA looks up. She can barely speak from the fear, but
         utters words in a whisper.


         The twins stand in shock. Then DEREK turns around, faces the
         twins. He points the gun at them. Shot of the twins.

                   I really wish I didn’t let you talk
                   me into this.