The Original SOUTH: Silent Tears ch 3 / by A.M. Molloy

The next installment, chapter 3, of the original story Silent Tears, before it became SOUTH. I warn you, this story is so bad, (and short), that it’s funny.

Again, I’ve left it intentionally unedited to show my bad grammar and storytelling back in 2008ish.


A little about the story:

Minami Kyuki’s hearts a battle ground of despair. Faced with more difficulties in her life than the normal teen, Minami copes by living one day at a time. But how long before the tragic events of her past haunts her to her death?


Silent Tears Vol1

Chapter 3: Betrayal


         MINAMI KYUKI and KAYLA CONNERY are standing in a dark room, looking
         over a crumpled business card.

                   I know where I see it!


                   My place, the night of the murder.

         Suddenly, up above, a noise could be heard. MINAMI and KAYLA both
         look at each other.

                        (Yelling) Hello?

         KAYLA quickly puts her hand over MINAMI’s mouth.

                   What are you doing? Are you crazy?
                   What if it’s them?

         MINAMI pushes KAYLA’s hand aside.

                   What if it’s not them? Besides, who
                   cares if it is, they alone know
                   were here and it’s them who most
                   likely can get us out!

         KAYLA looks at the ceiling as another noise is heard. The sound
         is now coming form behind the door. MINAMI puts up her
         hands, ready to fight, and this time, win. KAYLA bends down
         behind her, as if to hide behind her friend. The sound of
         the lock being undone can be heard from the other side of
         the old wooden door. Slowly, it creaks open.


         LYNN is sitting on the couch doing a crossword puzzle. She eye’s
         the clock on the VCR many times. DENNIS comes in the front
         door and enters the living room.


                   The school called today. They said
                   MINAMI has missed school, and it’s
                   4:30 and she’s not home yet.

         DENNIS looks at his wife, then at the clock on the VCR. He sighs,
         then turns to walk away.

                   I’ll go look for her at the school.

         He leaves, leaving LYNN alone in the house with the animals. LYNN
         picks up the phone and begins to dial.


         MRS CONNERY is standing at the kitchen counter, making
         supper with a scowl on her face.  TRAVIS CONNERY comes in
         through the front door and puts his bag on the floor.

                             TRAVIS CONNERY
                   Hey mom, what’s for-?

                             MRS CONNERY
                   Don’t you ‘hey mom’ me TRAVIS

         TRAVIS looks confused.


                             MRS CONNERY
                   The school called today saying you
                   missed classes.

                   I didn’t! That call wasn’t for me!

                             MRS CONNERY
                        (Sarcastically)Oh really? Then
                        who was it for then? Mr. who

                   I bet it was KAYLA.

                             MRS CONNERY
                   You know your sister is better than

         The phone rings, interrupting their argument. MRS CONNERY looks
         at the caller ID.

                             MRS CONNERY
                   Hum… MINAMI is calling.

         She picks it up.

                             MRS CONNERY
                   KAYLA is not here MINAMI, call back

         Just as she is about to hang up the phone, the voice on the other
         end screams.

                   Don’t hang up the phone!

         MRS CONNERY puts the phone back to her ear.

                             MRS CONNERY
                   I’m sorry LYNN, I’m going to have
                   to call you back, I got 'kid’
                   issues again.

                   That’s why I’m calling. Is MINAMI
                   there? I got a call from the school
                   saying she missed today and she
                   isn’t home yet. I was wondering if she
                   was with KAYLA.

                             MRS CONNERY
                   KAYLA isn’t even here.

         She looks at TRAVIS.

                             MRS CONNERY
                   I got to go.

         She hangs up the phone.

                             MRS CONNERY
                   You’re off the hook. Now,

                   I told you it wasn’t me!

                             MRS CONNERY
                   Go out and look for your sister.


         MINAMI stands ready to fight, KAYLA behind her on the
         ground. The door slowly opens, and a figure emerges. MARK
         STAGGER steps into the room.

                   What do YOU want?

                   I mean you no harm!

         KAYLA and MINAMI give him a dirty look.

                   Seriously! I just came to…. 
                   Woah, wait.

         MARK points to KAYLA.

                   DEREK said he was going to let you
                   go this morning! What are you still
                   doing here?

                   What am I? Dried sushi?

                   Um, I don’t know. But I guess I had
                   a feeling that he wouldn’t do it,
                   which is why I’m here.

                   Oh. Really. You know, I live by the
                   rule, 'do to others as you want
                   done to yourself.’ I got some eggs
                   and some rocks at my house. You
                   want to come over? Oh! And maybe I
                   can find a glass bottle and break
                   that over YOUR head. Hum? Sound
                   fun, no?

         KAYLA looks at MINAMI.

                   He hit you with a glass bottle?

                   It was an accident!

                   …. Right…. And I suppose 'this’
                   is an accident as well.

         MINAMI does a spinning round house kick which lands hard on
         MARKS head. MARK lands on the ground.

                   Nice shot MINA!

         He gets up, rubbing his head.

                   Screw you *****! I came here to
                   freakin free you man!

         He wipes the blood off the newly made cut on his forehead.

                   Now come on, before I change my
                   mind and believe that DEREK is

                   Right about what?


         MARK is interrupted, for by the door is DEREK, leaning on
         the wall, his face grim. By his side, under his arms is a
         young Asian boy.

                   About what MARK? Tell them.


                   That’s right. You can’t.

                   Oh! Great! Your here!

         MINAMI grabs to crumples business card from KAYLA’S hand and
         shoves it into DEREK’S face.

                   Who gave you that card? Where did
                   you get it? Who wrote on it? Tell

                   Ha! All you need to know is that
                   it’s from Japan.

                   And it’s the start of his

                        (To herself) Obsession?


                   No! You be quiet for once! I’ve
                   been with you since grade school.
                   You were the nicest guy around. But
                   then you went on that trip to Japan
                   and you’ve never been the same. Now
                   all you care about is harming
                   Asians. What’s wrong with you man?

         CU of DEREK grinding his teeth.

                   You can’t harm them all! There’s
                   too many of them!

         DEREK reaches for something in his pocket, tightening his
         grip on the boy, who stands silent in fear.

                   Maybe not all, but I got to start

         DEREK swiftly pulls out a gun, then shoots the boy in the
         head, killing him instantly. MINAMI, KAYLA, and MARK stand
         back in shock and fear.

Source: silent-tears3